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The world was once a vibrant and magical place. Oculodyine, originally a research and development megacorporation dedicated to the use of The Word and associated arcane sciences to improve the lives of the massess, became corrupted by the seductive lure of power, growing ever-more authoritarian even as they pushed past the boundaries of what was known - and, in the eyes of the Creator, what was acceptable. In their hubris, the company sought to bind Shadow itself to their will to cement their power over the governments of the world, but were unable to speak the true name of the beast clearly enough to control it. A cadre of heroes came forward to seal away the monster, but succeeded only at great cost and just after it was too late to save the walls which protected the world from the chaotic seas of probability beyond known time and space. To protect Unallocated Space and all the other worlds within it from the Shadow breaking its containment in the world, the Creator sealed the world within a bubble of endless twilight, casting the world into permanent half-darkness.   In the blasted, darkened land that came to be, tyranny and privation reign. The federal hex mages of The Authority, the globe-spanning descendent of Oculodyne, spread hidden curses through the population by touch - imposing surveillance and control under the guise of common medical checkups or mundane bureaucratic contacts. With the sun frozen in eternal twilight beyond the interplanetary haze, the plants of the world struggle to provide enough food and oxygen for the downtrodden masses. Manufactories operated by the many experimental golems and magically-engineered life forms of The Authority churn out necessities with the veiled threat of denial should the public disobey, while state-maintained portals to the elemental realms provide meager air and water supplementation.   It falls to a new generation of rebels to rise above the arcane strictures of their society and finally finish what the heroes of old started: destroying the Shadow or casting back from whence it came...

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