
Humans are quite possibly the most common race throughout all of Nemed. They live in the most populated cities and the most rural settlements. Some live in exclusive communities, but many have no problem living amongst all of the other races found around the region.   The most notable physical trait of humans is that there's nothing really notable about them. They are one of, if not the most, varied races in all of Nemed. They come in all shapes and sizes, varying pretty wildly in heights and weights. Some humans have black or dark brown skin, while others are as pale as snow, and others still cover the whole ranges of tans and browns. Their hair can be black, brown, or various shades of blondes and reds. Their eyes are blue, brown, or green.

Physical Traits

Prevalence Common
Average Height: 5'6" - 6'2"
Average Weight: 135 lb. - 220 lb.
Ability Scores +2 any one score
Size Medium
Speed 6 squares
Vision Normal
Languages Common, one other


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