Rebuilding Nemed and the Great Bridges

After The Ending, the world of Nemed was in disarray; races were displaced and destroyed; most major population centers wiped off the face of the earth. The only thing that the remaining people could do was band together and try to rebuild what was lost. There was no time or resources to clean up the ruins before building anew, so the people of Nemed had to build on top of them. In many cases, the past was literally buried by tons of earth and infrastructure was built on top. The combination of building a new foundation and building new cities took many, many years, but at long last, around the year 11 AE, the first cities began cropping up, and powers began forming delineated by the natural fractures in the land. It didn't take long after for the newly established nations to start forming trade agreements and constructing massive bridges for travelling between them. The Great Bridges, as they came to be known, connect the five major powers of Nemed together. To this day the peace agreement established in those formative years remains intact.


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