Session 1

General Summary

Okay, yes, um… so we started at the Pale Horse Tavern for a j…ob. What’s a job again? And you’re allowed to expect something in return? What’s money? Oh, right… at the tavern we met Druuk! And we- what? Someone else? Yes… um… there was a large green man that gave up these shiny medallions and then you gave me some dried fruit for choosing to go back to the room. Why were we given the medallions? I…. think it’s a brand of some sort? Which is weird because it didn’t hurt at all!   The next morning we met with Sarah, Wilamin, Selenap, and Bullet. Bullet was great, he let me ride on his back and he said his life was okay. Some days were harder than others. But I couldn’t see any bruises or wounds on him so his master’s must not need him too much. Or maybe he’s not their favorite? Hmm…. What? Oh what happened when we got to the cave?   There was a wall covering the cave but you were able to open it because you’re really clever like that! And… and then we were heading back to town! I wanted to ask, were we not allowed in the cave? “The world was not enough?” Skeletons? The tomb attacked us? Druuk got stuck in a well? No… I’m pretty sure we just left. You told me to tell the story, Neri, I don’t remember any of that happening.   We travelled back to the tavern and Druuk got drunk and you left to follow some guy and you handed me a note with how to follow you but I can’t read it and the paper is too small for Druuk to read and... and… I don’t remember all of your directions and so I don’t know where you went.
- Briarthorn, 2nd Day of Stone, Membersend
Report Date
23 Oct 2021
Primary Location


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