Session 3

General Summary

We got jumped in Orna’s house once we gave her the strange gem with the end of the world in it, but they put up a good fight so it wasn’t all bad, but they really have to tone down the stabbing, especially with Orna. I was able to revive her with a bottle of that ridiculously expensive whiskey though, so all in all a good night.   After that Neri did a lot of talking, walking around town, going into swanky clubs, and who knows what else, but I was mostly just bored and followed from a distance or hung out in an alley. Also you would think that a fairy would be like stealthy or hard to see, but not this one, she got spotted as we followed this little politician guy out of town.   After that we went back to his house to search it and found some papers from a boring fishing village, but they were signed with a cool dagger snake thing so we decided to go check it out. Unfortunately it was a boring fish village but then we met a badger and tussled with some ogres so it wasn’t all bad.
- Druuk, 2nd Day of Mist, Redsun
Report Date
15 Jan 2022


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