Session 4

General Summary

Erthwyte got the mangy group up to the top of the mountain without much issue, but the angry people at the top didn’t let us in? So they backed up and hung out to wait to go in the next day and some ladies with swords just attacked us out of nowhere? Kind of a weird move, but Erthwyte let them know what was what and got a super cool sword out of it! After following the other group down the mountain they were already gone, so as Erthwyte is presumed dead by the dicks on the mountain he left too. The others had some lady they wanted to see but first they wanted to hide a bunch of rocks in a tree? They said something about how people would recognize them, but they were just rocks? The lady’s house was really neat! Pink and full of cool things. Erthwyte got his hands on a spinny metal thing, when he turned it shards flew off! It wasn’t a very effective weapon, maybe a work in progress? Erthwyte does not know what the lady said, but in an excellent development they went to the bar to eat and drink! There was a bossy old Dragonborn there, but he seemed nice enough! Apparently the Dragonborn even found us a job, but it sounds kinda boring. Erthwyte is not a cleaner! Off to the mansion for cleaning duty, Erthwyte does not see any cleaning materials, maybe they’ll be waiting for them? Oh dear, the mansion is pretty destroyed, this will not be a one day job… Erthwyte is elated! Cleaning means kill monsters! Much better, Erthwyte crushes some statues and used the super awesome newsword to dice a big snake! Much better than cleaning!
- Erthwyte, 2nd Day of Crowns, Redsun
Report Date
19 Feb 2022


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