Session 5

General Summary

Dear Diary, Today started off so fabulously that i thought nothing could bring me down, but boy was i wrong! It was my big day to present myself before royalty (which we both know I've deserved this kind of recognition for awhile) and this band of psychos had to go and embarrass me! IN FRONT OF A KING!!!   First, Druk dragged the King into our personal dealings with an employer, like he should be bothered with such minor details! THEN the badger sat NEXT to a chair instead of in it, and the rest of them constantly addressed the king quite rudely, to the point where he just laughed at our foolishness. I was so upset i made the badgers fur stand on end, but at least the King recognized my decorum and gave me the prize rod from HIS PERSONAL COLLECTION! Its like he made it for me too! He asked us to personally handle a matter in Nuental and naturally I decided we would be honored. We almost managed to make a triumphant exit but the badger managed to smash his head on the table, much to the Kings amusement, and my embarrassment. Honestly Briar should keep her pet under better control.   Once we left the castle, and grabbed some supplies, I bravely lead our rag tag group of wackos onwards to the bridge to Nuental, which was as beautiful as it was on the way in I might add. I spotted a purveyor of meats and fruits, hoping for something decent to nibble on, but the dwarven women's (Montel) lack of an eye for fake finery didn't inspire confidence at first. But she had DATES (my favorite) so I guess clothes don't HAVE to account for taste I suppose. The rest of them grabbed random trash to shovel into their maws, and I swear the badger purchased a brick to eat, and decided to test its fortitude in the middle of the road with his weapon, IN FRONT OF GUARDS. I swear these people are trying to kill me! After that we made it into the kingdoms woods, and settled in for the night. Perhaps tomorrow will be better. Talk to you soon!   PS Briar doesn't like dates, she has no taste  
  Dear Dairy, It's been too long! I'm writing to you the morning before we are scheduled to reach Nuental, so our investigation can finally begin!   I haven't been able to write much as I find it extremely difficult to write to you in front of other people, and privacy APPARENTLY doesn't exist in the woods. Druk has somehow managed to become a heating blanket (as it were) during the night, and while his warmth isn't unwelcome, I can't find a moment alone because of it. He's been unusually business (or adventure as he claims) first lately, and while the sanity of that goal is nice, its somewhat inconvenient. He also seems to be worshiping some sort of Old God, but as long as he doesn't do it in front of people who'd make it my problem, I couldn't care less.   Anyway, our trek through these woods wasn't as easy as I had hoped. We fought wolves, drakes, goblins, and even kobolds! While I fought valiantly, during our tussle with those nasty little vulturous kobolds I had to use my ghastly wings, in front of everyone! Neri even said something about them, but i was too hurt to really register it, I absolutely won't be doing that again.   Speaking of Neri, her and Briar are currently having what I can only describe as a lovers spat over her (condition?) (other half?) (taste in food?!)<-(same tho) Brair seems to snap in and out of consciousness and become( or think?) she's someone named Thorn during combat, and Neri seemed to think domestic abuse was the best trigger. Normally I'd be all over such an amusing display, but I want out of this damnable forest and into civilization as fast as my scaly behind can take me!   But thats all just about behind us now, and nothing could happen in town thats as bad as anything out here, so HOORAY! Ill talk to you soon!   PS The badger continues to confound me
- Quetz, 3rd Day of Stone, Redsun
Report Date
02 Apr 2022
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