Habzun Tribe Organization in Deabros | World Anvil

Habzun Tribe

The Habzun Tribe, a fierce faction within the Shezaag, resides in the treacherous Bloodsnow Valley. Their homeland, nestled amidst icy peaks and treacherous terrain, reflects their resilience and adaptability. The Habzun people are hardened by the harsh winters and unforgiving environment, making them formidable warriors. Their expertise in survival and combat is honed through generations, allowing them to thrive in the harshest conditions. As members of the Shezaag, a warring, disparate confederation of tribes, the Habzun hold a position of influence and respect among their fellow clans. With their strategic location and indomitable spirit, the Habzun Tribe plays a significant role in the intricate web of alliances and rivalries that shape the region's history.  
In the heart of ice and snow we stand,
Habzun warriors, a fearless band!
Through Bloodsnow Valley, our fierce domain,
We rise with strength, undying flame!
  With axes raised and spears held high,
We charge into battle, our battle cry!
Habzun's fury, like a blizzard's might,
We strike with vengeance, relentless fight!
  In Shezaag's embrace, we take our stand,
Protectors of our sacred land!
Through freezing storms and bitter cold,
Habzun's valor, forever bold!
  From peak to peak, our voices resound,
As enemies tremble on bloodied ground!
Hear our war chant, the call of the wild,
Habzun warriors, forever styled!
  Habzun tribe, united we stand,
Raiders of the Bloodsnow land!
With honor, courage, and primal might,
We fight as one, till the final fight!


In 456, the Habzun destroyed their rivals, the Unkar.

Strength in Ice, Valor in Battle

Geopolitical, Tribe
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