Thalantir Rank System in Deabros | World Anvil

Thalantir Rank System

The Thalantir Guild's ranking system serves to recognize the expertise, achievements, and contributions of its members, ensuring that the most skilled and dedicated among them are entrusted with the guild's most critical missions. The ranking system is as follows:


Before even progressing to Junior Ranks, a prospect becomes a "Trainee". They do not go out on missions. They are charged with being tested, forged, trained, and molded into the heroes of Deabros. The Thalantir training program is rigorous and results in most Trainees flunking out.

Junior Ranks

New members of the guild who have passed the membership requirements but are yet to prove themselves in the field. Junior members are typically assigned to minor tasks and missions under the supervision of higher-ranked members to gain experience. The rankings for the Junior members begins at Fifth-Class and progresses to First-Class. There is no delineation of responsibility at these ranks. They are mostly used to mark how much a Junior Ranked member has experienced and achieved. Only members at First-Class are considered eligible for advancement to E-Rank.

Upper Ranks

Rank-E - Initiate

First Upper Rank of the Thalantir. Though an E-Rank is no longer considered a Junior Member, they are still not likely to be entrusted with the most dangerous of missions. Rank-E Thalantir are not entrusted to lead any teams, except in extreme cases.

Rank-D - Apprentice

Members who have shown competence in fulfilling guild missions and have started to develop a specialization. Apprentices are given more responsibility and can lead small teams, typically comprises of Junior Ranks or Rank-E Thalantir, on less dangerous missions.

Rank-C - Journeyman

Skilled members who have demonstrated proficiency in their area of expertise and have a track record of successful mission completions. Journeymen are trusted with more complex and hazardous missions and may mentor Initiates and Apprentices.

Rank-B - Veteran

Highly experienced and reliable members who have made significant contributions to the guild's objectives. Veterans lead important missions, have authority to make strategic decisions in the field, and play a key role in training and guiding lower-ranked members.

Rank-A - Master

Elite members recognized for their exceptional skills, leadership, and dedication to the guild's cause. Masters are involved in planning and executing the most critical and challenging missions, often having a major impact on the guild's success and reputation.

Rank-S - Champion

A prestigious rank reserved for members who have demonstrated unparalleled expertise, leadership, and heroism. Champions are the guild's most powerful operatives, tasked with handling situations of the highest complexity and danger. They often serve as the face of the guild in diplomatic matters and are instrumental in shaping guild policy and direction.

Rank-SS - Legendary Hero

This rank is bestowed upon members who have achieved legendary status within the guild and across Deabros. Legendary Heroes are not only masters of their craft but have also accomplished feats that have significantly altered the course of history or saved countless lives. Their actions embody the highest ideals of the Thalantir, and they serve as inspirations for all members. They may no longer be active in the field but instead focus on overarching threats to peace and safety, mentorship of lower ranks, and strategic planning for the guild's future.


This rank is reserved for the leader of a Guild Branch. A Guildmaster is typically, but not always, at least a S-Rank Thalantir at the time of their selection. The Thalantir focus on selecting individuals with a strong leadership aptitude over anything else.

Promotion through the ranks is based on a combination of mission success, leadership ability, contributions to the guild's goals, and personal development. Members are evaluated regularly to ensure that their rank accurately reflects their current standing within the guild.

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