Thalantir's Oath of Service Document in Deabros | World Anvil

Thalantir's Oath of Service

Under the watchful eyes of the past and the hopeful gaze of the future, I stand before the legacy of the Thalantir of Old and the boundless horizons that beckon us forth. With the strength of my will and the courage of my heart, I solemnly vow:

1. To embody the tenets of bravery, compassion, and justice, ensuring that my actions reflect the honorable path laid before me by the Thalantir of Old.

2. To shield the defenseless, stand against tyranny, and combat the darkness that threatens the peace of Deabros. In the face of adversity, I shall be the beacon of hope for those who have none.

3. To pursue knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, recognizing that the pursuit of truth is the foundation of all righteous actions. I shall remain vigilant against deceit and falsehood.

4. To bridge divides, nurture alliances, and promote harmony among the diverse peoples of Deabros. In unity, we find strength; in diversity, we discover the wealth of our collective spirit.

5. To carry forth the legacy of the Thalantir with dignity, remembering the sacrifices of those who walked this path before me. Their memories shall guide my steps and inspire my deeds.

6. To strive for mastery in my craft, dedicating myself to continuous growth and improvement. In excellence, we honor our roles as protectors and champions of the realm.

7. To act with honesty, respect, and fairness, holding myself accountable to the highest ethical standards. My word shall be my bond, and my honor, my shield.

By this oath, I bind myself to the service of the Thalantir Guild and the greater good of Deabros. May my actions reflect the light of this pledge, and may I never falter in my duty to the ideals we cherish.
Statement, Political (Manifesto)


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