The Dawn

The Everlasting Center

    Before Deabros, Time and Space carried on in infinity and with finality before the lonesome eyes of the Child, Janus. At the center of all time, at the center of all space, everything that Was, everything that Is, and everything that Would Be pressed together with an almighty pressure. The Child, Olivia, held it all together, for while it pressed together, everything rested. Everything remained at Peace. But in that eternity, in that singular moment, Janus grew bored. He yearned for the chaos, for the eruption of Was, Is, and Would Be.   In the solitary moment that existed for eternities of forced Peace, Janus implored His Sister to let it go. But She could not, for if She did, then She would release upon Time & Space the Order and Chaos of many things. Janus waited ever more. Impatient as only the Child of Time could be, He snuck into the Center of All Time and the Center of All Space, and He released from it, in secret, Utin. Utin came forward to the Children, grateful to be free of the Everlasting Center, and begged Olivia to release Was, Is, and Would Be.   Olivia refused, for if She released all that Was, Is, and Would Be, then She would release Life and Death. And there was nowhere for Life and Death to Have Been, Be, or Would Be. Utin smiled at the Child of Peace and told Her, “Here We have the Child of Time & Space, and He alone could create a Place for Death. Child of Peace, here We have the God of Balance, whose sole role shall be to govern and observe the Chaos and Order, to ensure it would provide Place for Life.”   As Olivia and Utin argued, Vesyna approached from the vast darkness that surrounded the Everlasting Center. She came to Janus with a pale smile, and promised unto the Boy that She would watch the Place of Death, if He were to create it. So, Janus snuck back to the Everlasting Center and stole some Was, He stole some Is, and He stole some of what Would Be, and in His infinite childlike wisdom, He crafted a Pocket Place where only Death could Be. Vesyna came away with Him and She helped him create a Deathly Paradise for those that Were, those that Be, and those that Would Be. Satisfied, They named it Heimarahl and They named Vesyna its Lady.   As Janus and Vesyna looked upon Their creation in delight, the argument between Utin and Olivia reached its zenith, erupting into a violence none had expected. Distracted from Her one task of keeping Was, Is, and Would Be tucked away and all together, free from Time & Space, the Everlasting Center exploded out, releasing Chaos & Order in an all powerful explosion. At the center of explosion, a brightness emanated, a bright Light that called Himself Lonysus. In the mayhem of the Beginning, Utin rushed away to direct the Chaos, He rushed away to encourage Order, so that He may create Places for Life.   Yva, the God of Nature, soared within the debris of the Everlasting Center. They wove flame and water and rock together in great celestial bodies. Their will set these creations forth to slam into one another in the new Everlasting Chaos. Utin seized upon this new opportunity, and created great spirals of galaxies. Yva, delighted in the chaotic order, shaped cold and desolate worlds with which to populate the untold plurality of galaxies. But Yva and Utin felt despair that Their Galaxies and Their Worlds would find no lasting warmth, no haven for Life. So, Lonysus came to Them and together They created numerous tremendous Stars and set them spinning. Soon, Utin’s Galaxies were filled with Lonysus’ and Yva’s star systems, each with many or few worlds.      


  In one such system, in one such galaxy, Yva and Utin formed a world that Would Be known one day as Deabros. In Deabros, the Gods came together to form a world pristine for life. A great Star at the center of the system burned bright and warm. And They set their pristine world where it need be for the creation of Life.   “How do we know this is the Place for Life?” asked Yva.   “Because we will create for Life a Home,” said Utin. “The Light of Lonysus burns right and this world shall carry upon it a plenty of Life.”   “But how will we know it is Home?” asked Yva.   Janus and Olivia came to them as they presided over Deabros. Olivia, at first distraught, now felt relieved that She no longer had to hold together the Everlasting Center. Now She was free to find Peace in the Expanse. Janus, delighted that Space & Time was filled with activity, danced around His Sister of Peace.   “We shall call Daylee and Tellera! Only They may know a Home where a Home may Be,” they sang in unison.      

The Creations

  And so they did. The Gods Daylee and Tellera came to their Call and They looked upon the World of Deabros. Together, They gave a Divine Blessing to Deabros, proclaiming it a Home for Life. And in their Blessing, they took the hands of Yva, who had already set forth seed and beast into the World, filling its great seas and diverse lands with fauna and flora, and they fell like great falling stars unto the world. Together, they landed in the lush forests of a great western continent. Together, danced and rejoiced and reveled under the canopy of trees. Their revelry committed unto the world its first Fairies and Eladrin and Gnomes. The Three looked on in horror and delight and, once more together, they retreated from the world, leaving behind their Fey offspring.   Utin, having watched from a distance, felt inspired. From the wet soil of the glacial rivers, he formed his own people. At Utin’s request, Lonysus breathed life unto them, and They released the Orcs into the world.   As Luck would have it, Braella, the Goddess of Fortune, who was lost in the chaos of the Expanse, happened upon Aysus, the God of Knowledge. She found Him studying Expanse at its edge. She made a wager with Aysus that they would find something more interesting where the other Gods played. That not enough knowledge would be gained at the Edge of the Expanse. So, they left and journeyed to Deabros, where the other Gods still congregated. There they watched in secret, as the Gods formed the Galaxies, the Star Systems, the World of Deabros. They watched as the Gods filled it with creatures and plantlife. They watched as the Orcs and Fey came to Be. And they, too, were inspired.   Vesyna and Lonysus argued, however. And they argued loudly. They argued over Darkness and Light. They argued over Life and Death, that one need not the other. “There is no Light without Dark!” “There is no Death without Life!” “Nightmares need not Dreams to motivate!” “Dreams need not Nightmares to inspire!” And as the blistering fight reached its pitch, Lonysus angrily shot forth light at Vesyna. He missed. A swirl of Divine Dreams struck the land of Deabros. As the Dream spilled forth and settled, a people rose from its remains. Vesyna, seeing that Lonysus had created his very own people, angrily set forth a torrent of Nightmare, smashing it on his people. They remained unharmed. But they were changed. Together, in their anger, Vesyna and Lonysus found themselves bonded to the Kalashtar as their Creators.   Overeager, Braella and Aysus snuck into the depths of the Deabros mountains. They stole away stone and rock and formed from Their image a stout people of hammer and chisel. They needn’t not the breath of Lonysus, for Deabros, too, willed a people to work the stone, to mine its gems, to dig deep into its layers. And so came to be the Dwarves. Braella and Aysus stole away from the mountains and watched from afar.   The Children, having seen the fight between Lonysus and Vesyna, came as a storm to the Gods.   “You have created Life on Deabros!” cried out Olivia.   “You have given Life to Space and Time!” shouted Janus.   “This is a gift most precious,” they sang in unison.   “And you shall not disturb their Peace,” Olivia snarled, swinging now between her dainty fingers, a hammer larger than any of the Gods.   “And you shall let them live through Time and Space,” roared Janus.   “But, Children!” bemoaned Utin. “They are Our creations! They require Our guidance!”   “NO!” The Children sang in unison. “They will be left to live their fleeting lives!”   "But Children," Lonysus insisted. "There may be times of great peril, where the just and faithful may reach out. What if it is our Guidance alone that may be the help needed to keep the Peace. To keep this pristine Home from dying?"   "NO!" screamed Janus. But Olivia hesitated.   "Brother," Olivia started, "Perhaps we should allow, only in the extreme case, that Guidance may be offered to those most faithful, to those most just in the Heart of their Creators."   Janus crossed his arms and stuck his lower lip out. "Fine. It is our will, after all."   And so the Great Children of Time, Space, and Peace declared that the Deabrosi creations would be left unharmed and untouched from their Creators, for that is what Was, what Is, and what Would Be. And only when absolutely necessary, may an Act of Guidance be granted upon the Most Just and the Most Faithful of the Deabrosi.


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