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Dark Seeds/Xut

The Dark Seeds or Xut are a species of frog-like beings with tentacles for legs. Their body, head and their arms are frog-like in particular.   The Dark seeds live on the planet of Yahha, a planet filled with swamps and aquatic bioms.   About 70% of their planet is covered in watermass and they have many underwater cities. They can swim with their tentacles and walk on land as well, but that seems less effective for them so they mostly live underwater.   They are herbrivorous meaning that they only eat plants which they farm on underwater plantations. These plantations are largely powered by slaves and serfs.   Their orgnizational structure is feudal in nature and the competing city states are trying conquer each other, which means constant war among the different Xut.   The Dark seeds started worshiping the deity Xrish, whom they admire racially, before he was send to Fruggkh. They still hope for his salvation and hope that he will someday return as their messiah.   The Darks seeds are very ethnonationalistic and xenophobic, they don't seem to care about other species that much and don't go to war with them. Their racism towards other species is shown largely through their derogative languange towards anyone who is not a Xut, but that doesn't mean that they see every single Xut tribe as the same and they are racist against each other as well.   Because they found so little resources on their planet and had limited food sources at first, they have very low developed technology and suffer starvation a lot. This causes them to appear as brutes and savages to other species.   They have been driven to near extinction because they tried to fight against Ashharkriti's will, which he punished brutally. They are of average intellegence it is said, but they behave blindly when it comes to their beloved god Xrish.
Name: Dark seeds or Xut   Planet/inhabited location: Yahha   Appearence: Frog-like head and body with tentacles for legs. They have small slimey frog arms and hands, their head and body is frog-like as well.   Height: 45cm - 1m   Lifespan: Ca. 25 - 70 years   Intelligence: Average but manipulable with religious zealotry   Political system: Small city states under water rulled by an elite class. Most city states compete but some have made alliances. Their societal structure could be discribed as feudal.   Religion: Xrishianity (Cult of Xrish)   Technological development: Low, but they seem to make progress as of late.   Languanges spoken: Xutian, B'yar and various others

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