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The Mui/Uun is a small, green and very shapeless species with crab-like claws.   The Mui are an acient species and the first sentient life forms created by Ashharkriti. They still worship him to this day, yet he is not interested in them in the slightest. They don't know about his disinterest in them though.   A thing which the Mui know of is his battle against the so called "Crawling Chaos", which he beat. Some have started worshiping, especially the mentally ill and other social outcasts have become members   Otherwise, the Mui live on the isolated planet of Jnut.   They are shape-shifters and often appear as green, small and with crab-like claws. Their body is covered in fur and they are known for not being very clean.   Their skeleton seems to be very elastic which makes them seem like they are constantly shape-shifting while they are moving.   The Mui have very advanced technology and they are very intelligent, maybe even more intelligent than humans. They even have conquered other planet such as Amm.   Not much is known about their political system, but it seems to closely resemble a technocratic democracy with limits as to who can vote.   Their moral and philosophical views stem from a sense of superiority that they are chossen race of people that have been given the right to conquer the universe and spread enlightenment. "Enlightenment" for the Mui means technological enlightenment and mental superiority like high intelligence and high conscientiousness.   The Mui don't see many values we humans (and some other species) hold dear such freedom of speech, freedom of religion or mass-democracy as being values at all. Instead, they focuss almost exclusively on technological advancement and they are very futuristic.   They do however not believe in what would be normally considered conservatism or traditional values. The Mui are open to the idea of abolishing families in favour of state-controlled child care. Though different religions aren't allowed in Mui society, most Mui not very religious at all. The worship of Ashharkriti has become more formalized, believing that they have "understood" god through science.   The religious affiliation of the Mui population was previously reported as: 85% Cult of Ashharkriti, ca. 10% Nyarlathotep worshipers and 5% openly atheistic.   Atheism in this context just means that these Mui have not seen or experienced gods or deities and thus simply deny their existence. Atheists are considered mentally ill and unstable because they deny reality in the context of the universe. Most atheists live in isolated communities far-way from most cities and mostly reside on the colony of Amm because not many bureaucrats and officials search for them there.   As they are only have one biological sex and reproduce asexually, they do not have traditional gentalia and also don't have sex with each other as they can't. Because of this, they don't value families as much and live together in big communes made out of 50 to 150 people.   Though being a democracy, only the Mui themselfs and not the species they enslaved can vote. It's because it would hurt their cultural character and because they believe that different species are simply not advanced enough to vote. They aren't xenophobic, they just believe that they are helping other species by colonizing their planets and reeducate them into their ideals.   They are omnivorous and seem to have enslaved other species such as the Cion from another planet and they slave trade a lot. They use the Cion as a cheap food resource as well.
Name:  Mui or Uun   Planet/inhabited location:  Jnut   Appearence:  Formless and shape-shifting, green, small and often times appear with crab-like claws. They have fur on their skin.   Height:  Various   Lifespan:  85 - 125 years; some have achieved immortality through technological means.   Intelligence:  High or very high   Political system:  Technocratic democracy with certain limitations. Only upper-class individuals may vote and different species are not allowed to vote at all in order to not "subvet the national character of the Mui/Uun".   Religion:  Cult of Ashharkriti, some have become interested in worshiping the Crawling Chaos as their god as well. Even some atheists exist.   Technological development:  Very high, and space travel as well as planet colonization is possible.   Languanges spoken:  Juunuu, U'uy and Y'uua

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