Abram St. Brown

Abram St. Brown

Abram St. Christopher, a 32-year-old former Detroit detective of mixed race—Asian and African American heritage—was once known for his quick wit, sharp mind, and charismatic demeanor. His build is lean but muscular, the result of a life spent in constant physical activity. Before the zombie apocalypse, he brought a sense of humor to his work, using his resourcefulness and charm to navigate the challenges of law enforcement. But the world’s collapse changed him. Abram’s last major case involved taking down one of Detroit’s most notorious gang leaders. However, the bust went horribly wrong, leading to casualties on both sides and allowing the gang leader to escape. The fallout from this failed operation tarnished Abram’s reputation, leaving him with deep-seated guilt and a nagging fear that his old adversary could reappear at any moment, even in the midst of the apocalypse. This left him haunted by guilt and burdened with unresolved issues. This event, coupled with the relentless horrors of the apocalypse, turned him into a darker, more guarded person.   Now, a bounty hunter, Abram is still sharp and resourceful, but his easygoing nature has hardened. He carries the weight of his past like armor, always vigilant, always prepared for the worst. However, beneath this tough exterior, remnants of the man he used to be still linger. If someone earns his trust—a rare feat in this brutal new world—Abram’s loyalty is unwavering, and glimpses of his old self, the man with the quick smile and a ready joke, begin to reemerge. Yet, the memory of that failed bust continues to haunt him, especially knowing that the gang member he failed to capture might still be out there, a dangerous force in the post-apocalyptic landscape.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athletic, lean but muscular build.

Body Features

Close haircut and light beard.

Apparel & Accessories

When it comes to gear, Abram is always prepared for the worst. He wears a durable, weathered leather jacket that has seen better days but still provides protection from the elements and minor attacks. Beneath it, he typically sports a simple, fitted shirt made from a breathable, moisture-wicking fabric—something practical for long days on the move.   His pants are reinforced cargo-style, with plenty of pockets for carrying essential gear, and they’re tucked into sturdy, worn-in boots that have carried him through countless miles of rough terrain. Abram’s boots are scuffed and scratched, with the soles clearly showing the wear and tear of his nomadic lifestyle.   Abram’s most distinctive piece of gear is a modified tactical belt, equipped with holsters and sheaths for his weapons. He carries a reliable, well-maintained handgun on his right hip and a combat knife on his left. He also has a multi-tool and several pouches for ammunition, a first-aid kit, and other survival necessities. Across his back, he slings a lightweight, collapsible crossbow—perfect for silent takedowns and hunting game.

Specialized Equipment

Tactical combat skills from working with the Detroit Task Force during his days as a detective, he was well-trained in survival and highly proficient.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Detective Abram St. Christopher once worked closely with former police officer Zoe Matthews before the apocalypse struck. Zoe was part of the Detroit police task force that assisted Abram on a high-stakes drug bust and trained the team for tactical combat. Their partnership was strong, but when the operation went south, Zoe’s partner was tragically killed in the crossfire. Devastated, Zoe turned to Abram for support, and during this time, her feelings for him grew. Despite his feelings for her, Abram’s overwhelming guilt over the failed bust and the death of her partner created a rift between them, and they eventually drifted apart.   When the apocalypse hit, they were separated, both unsure of the other’s fate. However, Abram St. Christopher was forced to become a bounty hunter and had to join a faction led by his former confidential informant (CI). As a bounty hunter, with his tactical combat skills from working with the Detroit Task Force during his days as a detective, he was well-trained in survival and highly proficient.   One day, he was tasked with capturing a woman from Haven, unaware of her identity. It wasn’t until he tracked her down on a solo supply run, struggling with her drug addiction, that he realized the target was Zoe Matthews, his former partner from the Detroit police force. The two fought initially, but during the skirmish, Zoe recognized a tactical move they had both trained in together and she realized it was Abram, they both stopped mid-fight.   After catching up, Abram did not reveal the faction he worked for but decided to help Zoe finish her supply run instead of completing his mission. Ultimately, he faked his own death, deserted the faction, and joined Zoe who then convinced Haven’s leader to accept him into their group. He was shocked and relieved to discover that Zoe had survived and had risen to become the head of security and weapons training.   The reunion is bittersweet—Zoe initially harbors resentment toward Abram, still haunted by the past, but deep down, she’s also glad he’s alive. As they navigate the harsh realities of their new world, their unresolved feelings for each other resurface, but the challenges of survival test their relationship at every turn.


Attracted to Women


Detroit Police Department Recruitment Academy


Bounty Hunter

Accomplishments & Achievements

Moved up within the ranks of the DPD, became a well known respected Detroit detective.

Failures & Embarrassments

Abram’s last major case involved taking down one of Detroit’s most notorious gang leaders. However, the bust went horribly wrong, leading to casualties on both sides and allowing the gang leader to escape.

Mental Trauma

Haunted by Guilt and Shame Abram is constantly tormented by the memory of the failed bust and the death of Zoe’s partner, to add he once was part of the evil faction. This affects his decision-making, especially in high-pressure situations, where he might hesitate or second-guess himself.   After discovering that his own CI betrayed him and that the CI’s hatred has now extended to Zoe will devastate him further. This revelation could push Abram into a darker place, where he questions his decisions, his trust in others, and even his worthiness to be part of the Haven group.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tri-lingual   Received Military and Survivalist Training: Very Proficient in combat, tactics, and survival strategies   Tracking, Hunting

Morality & Philosophy

Moral Flexibility In the post-apocalyptic world, Abram sometimes bends the rules, taking morally gray actions if he believes the ends justify the means. This can create tension with others, especially those with a more rigid moral code.   Protect the Haven Group and Be a Loyal Protector Abram feels a strong need to protect the Haven group at all costs, especially since they let him join. Driven by his guilt and the need to be seen as dependable. He wants to ensure their safety, even if it means making tough decisions.   His sense of loyalty is strong, especially toward those he cares about. He’ll go to great lengths to ensure their safety, sometimes at great personal risk.

Personality Characteristics


Rebuild Trust with Zoe Abram aims to earn Zoe’s trust again by proving himself through actions, not just words. He hopes to prove that he’s not the same person who let her down in the past, even if it means revealing secrets that could hurt him.   Gain Trust with Evelyn and the Haven Group Gain her trust by demonstrating loyalty and effectiveness. Abram might take on a tough assignment to prove his worth to Evelyn, hoping she’ll see him as an asset rather than a liability. He might follow orders to the letter, even if he has personal doubts, to show his commitment to the group’s cause.   Avoid suspicion while maintaining a sense of caution. Abram could make subtle attempts to bond with other members without fully opening up, always keeping his guard up. He might offer practical advice or assistance but withdraw from deeper personal connections, maintaining a level of detachment.   Prove His Worth to the Haven Group Complete a mission or task that significantly benefits the group, proving that he’s an asset and not a liability. Abram needs to regain his confidence and show the others that they can rely on him. Success might restore his standing within the group, while failure could lead to more distrust and suspicion from other members.   Protect the Haven Group and Be a Loyal Protector Abram feels a strong need to protect the Haven group at all costs, especially since they let him join. Driven by his guilt and the need to be seen as dependable. He wants to ensure their safety, even if it means making tough decisions.   His sense of loyalty is strong, especially toward those he cares about. He’ll go to great lengths to ensure their safety, sometimes at great personal risk Redemption Arc Abram’s journey could be one of seeking redemption, not only for his past mistakes but also for the lives he’s unable to save in the present. This could drive him to become a better leader and person.   Be Part of a Community and Form a New Family Deep down, Abram yearns for a sense of belonging to a community and family. After losing his old life, he secretly hopes to build a new one with people he can trust and care about, possibly even with Zoe

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Proficient shooter Natural Athlete Agile Quick witted, resourceful

Vices & Personality flaws

Distrust and Paranoia Abram is constantly on edge, suspecting that danger lurks around every corner. His experiences with betrayal have made him hyper-vigilant, often interpreting benign actions as potential threats. He frequently second-guesses the intentions of others, especially newcomers or those who act suspiciously. He’s more likely to take extra precautions, even when others might consider them unnecessary.   He might become increasingly paranoid and distrustful of those around him. This could strain his relationships within the group, especially with Zoe, as he grapples with the fear that anyone could betray him.   Overcompensation In an attempt to prove his loyalty, Abram might volunteer for the most dangerous missions. This behavior can put him at unnecessary risk, leading to potential injuries or failure. He might also push himself to be the first to act in crisis situations, hoping to shield others from harm and atone for past failures.   The Information Related to Zoe involvement in a high-stakes drug bust where her partner was killed. Specifically, it involved details about her role and actions during the operation, which, if exposed, could have put her life in danger and damaged her reputation. Abram St. Christopher sacrificed his career and the safety of his CI to protect Zoe from this fallout. If this information had become public, it could have revealed her connection to the failed bust and potentially put her at risk from the gang involved.   The Secret: Abram had a Confidential Informant (CI) who was deeply embedded in the gang they were targeting. The CI, fearing for his life after the failed bust, secretly made a deal with the gang leader right after the operation went south. To spare himself, the CI agreed to take the fall, betray Abram and turn over critical information about the police investigation, which led to the gang leader escaping and the whole operation crumbling. The gang leader, in return, marked Abram as a traitor to both sides—a man with no allegiance—making him a target not only for the law but for the criminal underworld as well. When the bust went south, Abram had to choose between saving Zoe and her partner or protecting the CI’s cover to ensure a chance to take down the gang leader in the future. Abram chose to protect Zoe, pulling her out of harm’s way, which resulted in her partner being killed and the gang leader escaping. The CI’s cover was blown, and to save face and avoid being killed by the gang, the CI made a deal with the gang leader, which involved betraying Abram. This betrayal ensured that Abram’s career would be tainted and that the CI would rise in power within the gang.   The CI thinks Abram is dead, still thinks he is a deserter.   The Haven Group, and Zoe have no idea that Abram was a bounty hunter working for the CI that wants her killed.   Abram does not know Zoe has a drug addiction.   The Twist The CI’s betrayal didn’t stop there. Knowing that Abram had protected Zoe during the bust, the CI harbored a deep grudge, blaming Zoe for the ruin of his life. As part of his twisted revenge, he manipulated events in the post-apocalyptic world to ensure that Abram’s guilt over Zoe’s partner’s death would fester. The CI now leads a dangerous faction and has marked Abram as faction deserter, just as he’s marked Zoe. His ultimate plan is to destroy them both—pitting them against each other, or forcing them to face their darkest regrets together.

Personality Quirks

Hyper-Vigilance Abram often takes the first watch during group rests, meticulously checking perimeters and setting traps. He rarely sleeps soundly, always alert for potential threats. He might question others’ decisions or suggest more extreme precautions, even when they seem unnecessary to the rest of the group   Impulsive Abram sometimes acts on impulse, especially when his emotions are running high. This can lead to reckless decisions, putting himself and others in danger.


Keeps his hair shaved and light beard


Contacts & Relations

Once worked closely with former police officer Zoe Matthews before the apocalypse struck. Zoe was part of the Detroit police task force that assisted Abram on a high-stakes drug bust and trained the team for tactical combat. Their partnership was strong, but when the operation went south, Zoe’s partner was tragically killed in the crossfire. Devastated, Zoe turned to Abram for support, and during this time, her feelings for him grew. Despite his feelings for her, Abram’s overwhelming guilt over the failed bust and the death of her partner created a rift between them, and they eventually drifted apart.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic, Charming, Sense of humor


Cracks jokes, speaks fast when nervous.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Current Residence
Haven Group
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
olive skin tone
6 ft
Known Languages
English, Chinese, Spanish


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