Haven Residents

The people who reside in the Haven settlement are a diverse group of people who come from different backgrounds. They have founded Haven with the help of Evelyn Harper. With her leadership the settlement has flourished. They have established agreements with several surrounding settlements for the exchange of goods and services.  
Evelyn Harper (F, 47) – Group leader, former military officer.  
Sophia Hayes (F, 35) – Nurse, married to Leo Hayes.
Maya Johnson (F, 29) – Skilled scavenger, Evelyn’s right hand in expeditions.
Charlotte Parker (F, 31) – Botanist, married to Miles Parker.
Zoe Matthews (F, 27) – Former police officer, handles security and weapons training.
Lily Coleman (F, 45) – Experienced cook, married to Ethan Coleman.
Harper Lee (F, 38) – Teacher, provides education to the children.
Stella Fisher (F, 33) – Former marine biologist, married to Tessa Fisher.
Nora Davis (F, 26) – Mechanic, keeps vehicles and machinery running.
Grace Walker (F, 40) – Therapist, married to Ruby Walker.
Isla Rogers (F, 34) – Forager, skilled in identifying edible plants and mushrooms.
Ivy Clarke (F, 32) – Hunter and skilled archer, provides fresh game for the group.
Amelia Brooks (F, 50) – Experienced seamstress who repairs clothing and gear.
Hazel Reed (F, 28) – Herbalist who works with Charlotte on medical supplies.
Ruby Walker (F, 36) – Builder, married to Grace Walker.
Elsie Quinn (F, 39) – Former journalist, documents the group’s history and stories.
Tessa Fisher (F, 32) – Fisherman, married to Stella Fisher.
Molly Porter (F, 43) – Former lawyer, helps resolve disputes within the group.  
James Wilson (M, 41) – Carpenter who leads the construction efforts.
Leo Hayes (M, 28) – Former paramedic, married to Sophia Hayes.
Henry Evans (M, 34) – Blacksmith, crafts weapons and tools for the group.
Miles Parker (M, 29) – Scout and skilled tracker, married to Charlotte Parker.
Connor Blake (M, 37) – Electrician, maintains the group’s power supply and lighting.
Ethan Coleman (M, 45) – Fisherman, married to Lily Coleman.
Jack Sullivan (M, 50) – Former soldier, assists Zoe with security.
Owen Mitchell (M, 33) – Water engineer, maintains the water purification system.
Tristan Lane (M, 25) – Gardener, works under Charlotte to manage the crops.
Noah Reed (M, 40) – Former farmer, assists in agriculture and animal husbandry.  
Lucy Harper (F, 12) – Evelyn’s daughter, curious and quick to learn.
Ben Hayes (M, 10) – Sophia and Leo Hayes’s son, helps with small tasks around the camp.
Ella Davis (F, 8) – Nora’s daughter, enjoys learning from Harper Lee. Sam Wilson (M, 14) – James’s son, interested in carpentry and helping his father. Chloe Fisher (F, 6) – Tessa and Stella Fisher’s daughter, young but full of energy and hope.
Notable Members

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