BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Dialogue Draft

I NEED YOUR HELP!! I don't know whether to write out dialogue in a script format or in a book format. I want to write it the way its best for the reader. Which way is easier/ fun / and or more preferred to read. The script format would take a little more work to do but it would be easier to revise/edit and I think its easier to follow along with. The book format is what authors use to tell their stories. So here are the two ways.
(The text is free creative writing)

  Boy and Girl
Script Format

  Boy and Girl have just barely escaped death by the hands of The Dead Man . They have gotten separated from their other friends but they seem to be safe as they enter a empty apartment building. They are both exhausted, the sun is starting to set and clouds are setting in as they finally come to a stop from running away from a battle with the Dead Man.

Boy: "I think were safe, we created enough distance." says the Boy as he is catching his breath after shutting and locking the door behind him.

Girl doesn't respond. She walks further into the apartment building lobby still carrying her wooden Bo staff in hand, looking for zombies to kill.

Boy: "Its safe here, we checked this place before a while back." says boy as he has lowered his rifle.
Girl has come to a stop but is still looking around aimlessly.

Boy: "Are you ok? You aren't hurt are you?" ask Boy but he gets no response. "Hey do you hear me? says Boy as he walks up quickly to Girl as she stands there with her head down. Boy grabs Girl's arm and says "I asked are you hurt?".

Girl: snatches her arm back. "Let go of me." says girl seriously. Boy is confused.

Boy: "Did that monster hurt you? Are you bit? Answer Me!?" Shouts Boy as girl begins to walk away.

Girl: "Why did you do that? Why did you risk your life for mine?!" shouts Girl as she comes to a stop, facing away from boy.

Boy: "what?" says Boy with a confused look on his face.

Girl: "Back there that deadone, that Thing. It was about to kill me! And you stepped in the way, with no regard for your own life. If it wasn't for Guy (other boy on said mission) you would've gotten yourself killed!" shouts Girl as she turns around and faces Boy.

Boy: "I just move, I just moved because you needed-" responds Boy but is then cut off by Girl.

Girl: "Because what? I needed what?" shouts girl. Boy doesn't respond and looks away. Girl walks up to Boy, closing the distance between them once again. "Because I need what Boy?" repeats Girl.

Boy: "Because If I didn't act you would've died. I had to save you." responds Boy.

Girl: "OH So Now I need you to save me?!" responds Girl

Boy: "I didn't say that, thats not what I meant." responds Boy

Girl: "I'm gone, you hear me gone. I am not going back to Riveria. (Their home)"

Boy: "Thats so messed up." says Boy as he shakes his head no.

Girl: "Yeah? Well I Don't need you to save me, I take care of myself! Thats What I Do. Thats what I been doing! So don't go killing yourself trying to save me!" Girl is tightly gripping her Bo Staff as she is moving her hands fiercely.
Boy and Girl are now locking eyes as Boy realizes Girl's eyes are starting to tear.
Girl: "Why don't you find some other girl that needs saving. Find some other girl thats not going to hurt you."

Boy: "Because I love you."

Girl: "No" says Girl as she pushes Boy away. Girl is shaking her head no as she turns around and begins to walk away.

Boy: "I'm completely in with love you. You may not need me but I need you." continues Boy as Girl continues to walk away headed for the door. "Lets just go back to Riveria till this is over." Girl hasn't responded and hasn't stopped walking away. "That thing is still out there! What are you going to do when it catches up to you?" Girl continues to walk away. "Girl! Girl What are you going to do?!" shouts Boy.
Thunder strikes as night has fallen and a storm has reached. Girl stops once thunder structed.
Boy: "Your going to fight that monster all by yourself?! You just seen what happened out there, with all five of us." Boy slowly approaches Girl as he says "We go back to Riveria, thats our move. We wait till this blows over and then... Then if you still want to leave then fine. Its your choice."
Thunder is crowding and Boy walks pass Girl as he reaches the door on the other side from where they came in. Girl hasn't moved from spot. Boy opens door and looks out then back at Girl.
Boy: "Come on, lets go before everyone gets worried." Girl then proceeds to walk to boy.

  *End Scene*

    New Recruit
Book Format

  Names and places are changed for non spoilers. Total of 4 characters. Anon (lead). Emmanuel (EJ for short). Jerry and a random raider.

Anon (anonymous lead) hears commotion coming from downstairs, as he was in an empty house just moments ago when he enter. So he checks and sees a tank. The tank sees Anon upstairs and starts making his way to him. "What The Fuck?!" Scrambling Anon runs back to the room and grabs his supplies and throws it in his backpack. "How did that shithead get in here?!" questions Anon as he then runs back out the room. He is met by the tank as it has made its way up the stairs. The Tank tries to grab Anon but he dodges. Anon makes a run for the door but he can’t open it due to the door being held shut from the outside. "What the- why isn't it opening?!" Anon looks back and sees the tank trying to hit Anon "Oh Shit." but he dodges again. Anon is starting to get backed up to a wall and he decides to use one of the two bombs he has left. He digs in his backpack and drops a bomb between him and the tank and jumps through the window right when the bomb explodes. *BOOM!* Anon gets up and checks on the tank and its dead. The Raiders come up behind him and introduce themselves.
(Emmanuel, Jerry and other Raiders are there)
Emmanuel steps up to Anon and says “that was pretty impressive.” Anon clutches at his pistol. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, besides if we wanted you dead we would’ve gunned you down the second you jumped out that window.” says Emmanuel. Anon releases his grip, “so what do you want?” ask Anon. Emmanuel points at the dark smoke coming from a nearby town. “My guys and I seen you fled from that disaster. I want to know what happened.” states Emmanuel. Anon doesn’t respond, “Lets just waste this fool EJ.” says Jerry as he is carrying a Two Hitta Quitta (modified shotgun) in hand. Emmanuel takes a looks at the dead tank in the house that Anon just killed with his bomb. He knows Anon used some type of explosive. He has walked up on Anon's backpack that Anon had dropped from the explosion. He snatches Anon’s backpack off the ground and tosses it to his men. Anon just stands there, “Look through his shit, tell me what he got.” demands Emmanuel. A random raider looks through Anon’s backpack, “He don’t have shit but some type of makeshift bomb and bandages.” Anon then says “don’t touch that!” Emmanuel chuckles “Makeshift bomb? Thats what you used against that tank... thats funny because it looks like that town had some real good defenses but the gate was blown up.. it was you wasn’t it?”. “No way it couldn’t had been him, he barely handled the tank.” shouts random raider. “You killed all those people didn’t you?” Asks EJ. Anon doesn’t respond, Jerry has had enough and walks up to Anon and puts his Two Hitta Quita (shotgun) on Anon's chest and looks him in the eyes and says “You better answer before you aren't able to.” EJ has a smirk on his face. Everyone goes quiet for a second. "Well did you do it or not?". “Yeah It was me. Whats it to ya?” says Anon. “Well then that settles it.” says EJ. Jerry lower his weapon and takes a step back as EJ walks up Anon and reaches out his hand and says, “Welcome aboard man, we are the Raiders”.

          1st Night at Riveria
Script Format

  After a whole day of clearing out all the zombies at Riveria, our survivors claim it as their new home. Night has begun and our survivors gather in the lobby to eat and talk. They are sharing some canned beans and grits that they found while clearing Riveria. (Brenda, Donte's gf and Danny cooked the food). Everyone is in attendance, sitting on chairs, a couch and even sitting on the floor as they form a circle.
The survivors are Ace, Cole, Marz, Selvin, Brenda, Baby Mason, Grace, Danny, Luke, Erin, Dash, Moon, Donte, Donte's GF, Bike Gang, Saron and Shia.
Terrell and Quan walks in the room from doing a final sweep around the perimeter.

Terrell: "Well guys it might've took us all day but we did it. The place is clear and secured. Thats the last sweep for the night" says Terrell as he walks in with a smile on his face.

Quan: "Yeah and no deadone alive that can stop us from enjoying this meal." chuckles Quan as he high fives Vel while taking a seat next to him.

Brenda hands Cole a plate and Cole hands it to Terrell and Quan. Terrell nods his head as a gesture of gratitude and Cole nods his head back as Terrell takes the plate. Luke begins to stand up as he hits his spoon on his bowl to grab everyone's attention.

Luke: "Attention everyone I would like to a make toast." starts Luke as he holds up his bowl of food.

Luke: "The last few days has been a hard fight. The same fight we all been fighting since the day the world fell. But today we the living took back whats ours from the dead. Not only do we have a new home but new friends aswell. So lets thank our lovely cooks Brenda, Donte's GF and Danny for tonight's meal. Our very first victory meal here at our new home Riveria. "

People start clapping as the camera skips through the different faces of our survivors. You can see baby Mason sleeping in a carriage next to Brenda and Grace.

Danny: "Yeahhh" says Danny cheering Luke on.

Luke: "To many more victory and victory meals here at Riveria!" says Luke as he adds a spoon full of more grits to his bowl.

Everyone cheers as they all smile and continue to eat their food. Luke sits back down next to his gf Erin and continues eating.

Erin: "Riveria is going to be good to us, I can just feel it."

Donte: "I hope so, I'm tired of sleeping in different beds on the road every night."

Donte's GF: "I know thats right."

Ace: "Its only going to be good to us if we do what we have to, to keep it safe."

Cole: "Yeah, the night watch must stay sharp tonight. After all the shooting to clear this place im sure some deadones are still lingering around searching for this place."

Dash rolls his eyes as Donte passes Dash the cans of beans. Dash sticks his spoon into the can as he starts eating.

Ace: "After we're done eating I'm doing another sweep before bed."

Marz: "You're going to do a sweep on that leg?" asks Marz to Ace.

Ace's leg is severely injuried from the battle at Destiny. Ace has it wrapped up with a stick holding is leg straight. Ace also been stabbed in that same leg twice by Arlene just days before. But Ace stands strong on his statement.

Ace: "Yeah, I have to."

Terrell: "We just did a 5th sweep, we're good man. No need to over push yourself."

Brenda: "Ace if you want your leg to heal you have to give it a rest."

Ace drops his bowl down. Its empty. Ace starts struggling to stand up using a stick as a crutch.

Terrell: "Alright, nevermind"

Brenda: "Ace listen to me."

Ace: "I said I'll do one last sweep and thats it." says Ace

Dash: "Damn it Ace, just sit down man. I'll do another sweep if that makes you feel better"

Ace: "It doesn't actually. I must do it myself." Says Ace as he finally makes it to his feet.
Ace: "I might as well start now since I move at a turtles pace now." Ace starts slowly limping towards the door.

Bush: "Shit hes better than me, I'm ready to lay down for the night and my leg is perfectly fine." says Bush cracking a joke.

Quan and Vel laughs.

Terrell: "Damn, hes a tough one."

Ace is making his way stumbling to the door with his one crutch stick.

Luke: "All you guys seem tough-- really tough...." Goes Luke
Luke: "If you guys don't mind me asking- What happened to your old home before Destiny?" Asks Luke

Ace stops walking.

Luke: "I believe you guys called it Stone Ridge?"

Everyone from Stone Ridge head goes down. Cole, Dash, Ace and others stare at the ground. But Marz instantly stares across the room at Saron. It goes dead slient for a moment as everyone is troubled by the question. This is the first time everyone spoke about what happened at Stone Ridge.

Cole begins to speak.
Cole: "A Spitter attacked us and it brought a horde with it. It all happened in the middle of the night, right when we weren't expecting anything."

Luke: "A Spitter? Whats a Spitter?"

Cole: "Its a very rare deadone. It spits acid like vomit and is able to track down the living using its spit.

Danny: "What the? But how?"

Cole: "I don't know, but to make matters worst the Spitter somehow brought a whole horde with it to Stone Ridge."

Luke: "What the Hell?"

Ace: "I was supposed to kill all of them." Starts Ace as he clinches his fist and teeth.

Everyone turns their attention to Ace.

Ace: "I said I wasn't going to let the dead win, I said I was going to kill all those deadones to hell but I lied. I couldn't do it."

Brenda: "Ace.."

Dash: "Its not your fault Ace. Tst to be honest if I didn't miss that shot on the Spitter out on that mission, the Spitter never makes it back to Stone Ridge in the first place." states Dash.

Cole: "We had no idea what that thing was capable of at that point and time. So don't blame yourself for that."

Moon: "Nobody thought that those things could bring along a whole horde."

Dash: "So what? At the end of the day if I hit that shot and kill the Spitter, there is no Spitter Horde attacking us that night."

Selvin: "Well I was on gate duty, maybe if I didnt fall asleep, maybe we-" add Selvin.

Brenda: "Selvin stop, the dead wouldve been there regardless."

Cole: "Yeah."

Marz begins to laugh. Everyone turns their attention to Marz now.

Marz: "HAhAHa, Are you guys seriously blaming yourselves? When the real reason everything went to shit was because of HIM!" Shouts Marz.

Marz points and stares at Saron with the most mad face ever.

Marz: "Its HIS FAULT! If Saron Doesn't Blow A Fucking Hole In The WALL The Dead Never Break INto STONE RIDGE!" Shouts Marz in anger.

Bush: "Ohhhh shit.."

Saron: "I was just trying to help."

Marz: "YOU was Trying TO WHat?!" Shouts Marz as he stands up quickly.

Cole: "Woah Marz Calm Down." says Cole as he gets up and gets in front of Marz.

Marz: "DID HE Say HE Was Trying TO HELP?!"

Saron: "I was trying to help! I was trying to kill the dead with my bombs. I didn't know a-"

Marz: "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! WE CAME UP WITH A PLAN BUT YOUR DUMBASS WENT OFF AND FUCKED UP EVERYTHING!" shouts Marz as he starts tussling trying to get around Cole as Cole holds him back.

Saron continues to sit there across the room, staring back at Marz.

Cole: "Marz stop, you need to calm down!"

Ace: "Saron what did happened up there?"

Everyone's attention shifts to Saron.

Saron: "I was throwing bombs at the dead but thats when this big tank ran up crashing into the wall right where I was standing at. It-it made me fall, dropping two bombs on the walls."

Marz: "IF Your ASS wasn't up there or JUST MAYbe you talked to us before going off on your own that shit doesn't happen! AND Stone Ridge wouldn't had fallen!"

Saron: "I'm sorry but I was only trying to help. I made a mistake."


Saron shakes his head no as he looks away.


Marz starts trying hard to get pass Cole as Marz has reached his boiling point. Marz pushing Cole hard.

Cole: "MARZ CHILL!" shouts Cole as he begins to have a hard time containing Marz.

Danny gets up to help hold back Marz and so does Luke. People starts getting up as everything gets intense.

Marz: "LET GO OF ME! LET GO!" Shouts Marz

Cole: "Marz You Know I Can't Do that."


Cole: "MARZ!"


Saron finally looks back at Marz. Everyone is shocked by what Marz has said.

Marz: "My MOM Died THat Night Because of your Mistake! Your MISTAKE! Stone Ridge and everyone thats not here tonight DIED That Night because of Saron stupid Mistake! AND I'LL BE DAMNED If I SIT HERE AND ACCEPT THAT BULLSHIT ASS APOLOGY!"

Baby Mason starts crying loudly because hes been woken up by the yelling. Brenda goes to pick him up out his baby carriage and trys to hush him.

Brenda: "oh masonn shhh shh shh" goes Brenda trying to calm her son down as she enters the backround of the room.

Saron: "I'm sorry."

Marz: "What?!"

Saron: "I said I'm sorry!"

Marz: "Listen to me you fucking idiot! Next Time some shit goes down, Don't Do ANYTHING until your told! You Hear ME!" Shouts Marz as he stops trying to force his way to Saron.

Everyone stays quiet for a second as Mason continues to cry.

In the background you see Brenda carrying Mason and heading to the door that Ace is near.

Brenda: "Ok lets go." says Brenda softly in the background to Mason as she starts walking out the door with crying Mason.

Grace follows behind Brenda as they walk out the room.

A brief pause of silence goes by as you hear baby Mason cries gets further away.

Marz: "I'm out of here. I can't stand looking at him any longer." says Marz as he brushes off Cole and walks out the room from another exit. Cole follows him.

Erin looks at Luke as she whispers to him.
Erin: "You just had to ask huh?"

Luke: "I did not know that was going to happen."

Another moment of silence commences. Dash shakes his head and sighs.

Dash: "wow and for a minute I thought our first night at Riveria was going to be peaceful.."

Ace: "Well, I'm off to do my sweep." says Ace as he starts limping away, out the room and down the hallway.

Donte: "You got your gun on you right?"

Ace: "I always do." states Ace as the scene ends with Ace struggling down the hallway to do his last sweep.


Book Format

  After The Horde the Razorbacks sent on our survivors at Riveria, Saron sneaks out of the Razorbacks to make sure that we are okay. When Saron arrives he is greeted by Marz who is absolutely furious with Saron because he believes Saron is a trader. Marz walks straight up to Saron. “I’m glad to see you guys are okay—“ Marz knocks Saron down to the ground with his rifle before Saron can finish his sentence. Saron falls flat on his back then Marz points his rifle right at Saron’s head. “TELL ME RIGHT NOW WHY I SHOULD’NT PULL THE TRIGGER YOU TRADER!” Marz has his finger on the trigger ready to end Saron’s life. Saron is caught in a daze as he stares right into the barrel of Marz’s gun. Saron has a black eye. Cole, Ace & Dash hears the shouting & sees what is happening. “Oh shit! Somebody stop him!” -shouts Ace. They all start running up to the scene. “YOU’RE A DEAD MAN SARON YOU HEAR ME! A DEAD MAN!” Shouts Marz. Cole gets there first and takes a good approach on calming Marz down. “Marz! Marz! Calm down its not what it looks like!” Says Cole as he stands firmly next to Marz. “THIS ASSHOLE SOLD US OUT & COULD’VE GOTTEN US ALL KILLED AGAIN!” Shouts Marz. Marz has totally lost his cool and is shaking with pure rage. As Saron is still at the mercy of Marz being as still as he can be and doesn’t say a word while he is staring into the barrel of Marz’s rifle. “Marz you don’t have to do this! It isn’t his fault” says Cole as he tries to rest his hand on Marz’s arm. “DON’T TOUCH ME!” Yells Marz as he shrugs his hand off. “Marz don’t do it, Saron isn’t the enemy. Just stop and think for a second. How do you think we saved you & brenda?” Marz moves his gun a little to the left and shoots his rifle. The shot hits the ground right next to Saron’s head. Saron didn’t blink once. Dash, Ace & others arrive at the scene. “YO WTF IS GOING ON HERE?” Says Luke. Cole forces Marz to back up and hand over his rifle. Dash gets in between Saron & Marz as Dash trys to help Saron up but Saron denys it and gets up on his own. “WTF IS HE EVEN DOING HERE?!” Shouts Marz. “I came here to check on you guys you fucking hot head!” Responds Saron. Marz tries to rush at Saron but Luke & Cole grabs him. “I SHOULDVE SHOT YOU YOU MOTHERFUCKER! I CANNOTSTAND THIS BITCH I-“ “Everybody shut the fuck up!” Shouts Dash. Brenda’s baby Mason starts crying. “Take Marz over there and calm him down and then we will try to settle this.” Says Ace. Cole and Luke forces Marz to take a walk away from Saron. “Saron you come with me” says Dash. Saron follows holding his blacken eye.



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