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General Information on Zombies/ The Dead

The most important thing to know about the zombies in this show is that they can only die to a “Headshot” or destroying/killing the brain. A zombie can lose every limb on its body and still continue to attack. Zombies only have one goal and that is to eat the living, that goes for humans and animals. They don’t sleep or get fatigue. Zombies are deadly, one bite and you will soon turn into a zombie. Unfortunately that's not the only way you can become a zombie.. This deadly virus created by Dr.Snyder has spreaded across the entire world, the virus is inside everyone and if you die from anything and I mean ANYTHING you too will come back to life as a zombie. In the beginning of the show the main cast does not know of this but it is true. Being bitten by a zombie just kicks starts the virus to kill the host. So becoming a zombie is damn near impossible to avoid because death is inevitable. The only way you can stop this process is to have your brain destroyed before turning or getting eaten entirely by the dead before you can turn. Now tell me exactly which way you would like to go? You’re a lucky one if your able to make that decision on your own, because most people do not have that luxury. The Dead makes life like hell, there is no escaping the fact that you will die someday. With that being said let's get to a more interesting fact about the zombies in this world. All zombies have some sort of a red tint in their eyes, this is an effect the virus has on the body. “Bloodshot Eyes” is what the survivors call it. The eyes of the zombies can tell you how aggressive that zombie may be, the redder the eyes the more aggressive the zombie. The eyes can be extremely bloodshot red to very dull gray with a little red. A dead zombie will have no red in it at all. That goes for all the different types of zombies. An aggressive zombie can run, jump, have more strength and be more sharp. In the beginning there are more of these aggressive zombies, due to the freshness of the zombies but overtime the eyes of the zombies become more and more dull, making aggressive zombies less and less. Maybe around season 3 this becomes noticeable. Now don’t sleep on these less aggressive zombies, they can still get the job done. Zombies are attracted by sound, light and just about anything that would get a typical zombie attention. Now that you have the general information on zombies we can go into the different types of zombies there are.


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