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Screamers are zombies that do exactly what the name intels, they scream. Their scream is very high pitched and so loud that it will hurt your ears which stuns you and even ratter your brain a little causing your vision to get hazy if you are really close. But to other zombies its a dinner bell and they will come rushing to the Screamer’s position. Its like the screech activates all the zombies nearby to be very aggressive, their eyes will light up red to the sound of a screamer like its their favorite artist performing a live concert. Screamers are very different from other zombie types, they don’t attack the living, they will literally scream and run anyway. They feed off of scrapes and people that are already being eaten. There is a reason for this and it has to do with how Screamers are created. Screamers are created from the host being absolutely terrified of the dead, so scared that this person has traumatic responses to the dead. Being traumatized by the dead, when the host dies and comes back the trauma is still there in the brain but it's flipped. The screamer is no longer scared of the dead, they are now afraid of the living. The zombie is still traumatized but because they are the dead they see the living as the threat. For that reason Screamers tend to be kids and even more likely young girls. Screamers also have weird tendencies that other zombies do not have, for example some may carry around little toys as if they are still a kid. Oddly enough the toy likely reminds them of something they really liked when they were alive and even sometimes it may be their own toy back when they were alive. Screamers also can be found sleeping too, which is very weird because no other zombie sleeps. Aggressive Screamers are extremely rare but can be activated if they are cornered and can’t run away. They may throw small nearby objects at you and scream constantly. They basically start panicking and as a last resort they will attack. Screamers tend to stay in one place because they aren’t looking for people to kill. Screamers also aren’t afraid of animals so they will chase after them. Screamers may not kill you but they will put you in a do or die situation in a matter of seconds. Best way to deal with Screamers is to not alert them of your presence, it's best to kill them before they can scream.


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