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A highly secretive CIA organization that takes care of things behind the scenes for the country. This a very small group of highly trained CIA agents that are hand picked and forced to live by set rules for life. TAIL cleans up a lot of loose ends for the military and are sent on very important extremely difficult missions. Most members are trained from a young age to be apart of this organization, like Lebone and Grey were by their father who was also a member and one of the founding members of TAIL. Lebone had Cole on the same track to become a member of TAIL.

  TAIL Rules
Being a member of TAIL comes with a price, one of the biggest sacrifices of being a member is that you cannot live a normal life. You cannot have friends, be apart of any media and cannot have a normal family. This organization believes all of those things gives the enemy and/or public an opportunity to compromise the organization. For members that decide to have a child they are ordered to kill their partner and raise their child alone because a partner is a liability and not trusted to the organization and any risk is a risk not worth taking. Members are also not allowed in the public eye too often because they may be seen or recognized.

  Because of these rules TAIL members tend to be really close to one another and cut off to the outside world. Anyway this organization becomes disbanded after many years of loosing members due to killing, betrayal and suicide. TAIL was only disbanded a month before the world fail into chaos.
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