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The first (&only?) Dead Woman Tyrant.
She can telepathically control zombies that she syncs with. She is tall and fit. Attacks people by using other dead ones to coordinate attacks on her prey. She has sharp nails, a fit body, standing at 5ft 9. She is capable of picking up and wielding melee weapons. She can also talk. She has dreads that dance when she is taking control over a new zombie. She is capable of perform a ritual that makes her hair flows and her eyes redneds. She takes contorl over so many deadones she creates her own horde. This Tyrant is a lot smarter than all the others, she actually plans out her attacks and will play the long game if need be when attacking communtities. She will gather her zombie minions and take siege on a community take can take days, even weeks till she decides to join the fight herself. 

  Telepathically has 2 sons and 1 daughter among her horde. Two Tanks & One Screamer. These are her heavy hitters in her horde. Telepathy is capable of screaming extremly loud and  causing her zombie horde to all come sprinting to save her.


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