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The Dead Man

The Dead Man is horrific, menacing force of pure evil. He is tall (6ft'9in), skinny with burnt dark skin. His brunt skin allows him to live among the dead because well he looks like the dead (hence the name). The zombies do not see him as a living person, which allows him to use the zombies as weapons. The Dead Man actively goes searching around for people to kill. The Dead Man uses chains, spikes and even a chainsaw. The Dead Man will also make modifications to zombies that he has follow him, for an example putting a football helmet or spikes and chains on them to make them more deadly. He uses two tanks almost like bodyguards to follow him by using chains. The Dead Man is extremely durably, although he functions likes a living person, he doesn't carry the same limitations as the living. This is due to the Death Curse The Sinister placed on him. The Dead Man doesn't feel pain and is practically immortal. He doesn't speak or have feelings towards anything thats living. He is a silent killer and thats his only objective, to kill. He is able to take bullets, stabbing, cuts and hard hits. Although this is true the Dead Man is likely to block and or dodge attacks when he deems it necessary. He is incredibly strong, quick and have top tier fighting skills. A deadly force with the combination of being practically immortal he is something to fear. He strikes fear himself with one glance into his eyes he can make you see your own death... a true testament of your own will to live and to fight will be tested by just looking into his eyes. This is a power granted by his Death Curse. The Dead Man has red eyes just like the dead well because The Dead Man is Dead.... Living to carry out the orders of the Death Spirit to kill any and everyone.

  The Dead Man's Past
Hank was a famous firefighter in his town before the apocalypse. Hank

  The Dead Man & The Death Spirit
    Death Curse Powers
The Dead Man has a variety of powers/abilities. The first and most notable one is his ability to walk among the dead. The Dead Man looks like a zombie due to his burnt skin and red eyes, this look not only allows him to walk among the dead but also tricks people into thinking he is just another zombie. Which allows him to get easy stealth kills. You must be aware of him in order to not fall for this trick. The Dead Man is extremely durable, he feels no pain and is damn near immortal. He is capable of being knocked out but ordinary bullets and weapons aren't capable of killing him even if they are direct headshots. He has strength feats as well, able to pick up people with one hand, smash through doors and handling tanks on chains. One of his strangest abilities is his ability to make people imagine their own death... This ability is activated when someone looks in his red eyes for the first time. This tends to stun and strike incredible fear into the victim. It is also very noted that the image this ability creates is very accurate of what can happen next. Most people will see exactly how the Dead Man will kill them and others are lucky enough to avoid this travesty. Another ability the Dead Man has is his ability to command other zombies around, using them as weapons and/or minions on his quest to kill people. He tends to bring two tanks chained up with him on his journey. He will also equid some zombies with armor or spikes to make them more deadly. He will hide and move among his zombie horde in order to reach his prey. The Dead Man is also linked with the Death Spirit. He is also able to strike enough fear into people forcing them to turn into Screamers. The Dead Man when enraged can also make the moon turn into a Blood Moon, with the help of the Death Spirit and only when the moon is already set on a full moon. During the Blood Moon he is granted more strength, speed and turns his horde of zombies into red eyes. During the activation of a blood moon the Dead Man will let out a horrifying roar.

Spikes, Chains, Chainsaw, Scythe and Zombies.
The Dead Man main and most used weapons are his black spikes and chains. Which he usually conceals until the moment of attack. He is able to stab and launch these spikes. With the chains he will chain up zombies in order to take them wherever he wants. He will also throw his chains at his target doing the famous Scorpion "get over here" move. The Chainsaw he brought to break through defenses and kill people. The Scythe is actually the Death Spirit's Scythe, given to the Dead Man during the Blood Moon battle. This Scythe is extremely powerful that has its on Death Curse placed on it.
Current Location
Date of Death
March 15 (Dead Day)
Circumstances of Death
Burning Building Fire
Red Eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Burnt Dark
6ft 9
Related Plots
Ruled Locations


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