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The Witch

The Witch is a deadly spirit that directly effects the making of all the screamers. The Witch a short, long black hair young looking lady that looks very creepy. She has black sharp nails, pale skin, thin lips with a very creepy smile. Her hair is pitch black and is so long it almost reaches her knees, her hair covers her face most of the time. The Witch pays a visit to people that a very likely and or on the urge of becoming a zombie and works her magic to make them into a screamer. To become a screamer the host must be terrified of zombies, to the point they have traumatic responses from seeing the dead. The Witch then pays a visit to them to make them even more terrified, whispering scary things or just appearing in their sights. When the host dies the places her finger on their forehead and maybe whisper a spell. The host eyes light up and is then turned into a screamer. The Witch works hand and hand with the Death Spirit although they aren't fonded of each other. The Witch and The Death Spirit has like a brother and sister rivalry relationship. The Witch also has other unique powers, to make screamers more powerful that presents themselves later in the series. The Witch actually isn't made known until later in the series, she is only hinted at in the beginning. Her first on screen victim is Pepper who speaks of seeing the witch in her dreams but no one believes her and just leaves it as a nightmare. Pepper then turns into a screamer at the end of season 1.


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