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Tyrants are very powerful zombies that tend to carry a weapon, have lots of strenght and durability. Each Tyrant is different than the last. Each one has special characteristics, look and moves. The survivors give each one a different name but they classify them all as Tyrants. Tyrants are created by the Death Spirit pouring his power into the dead host.

   Excutioner - (an official who carries out a death sentence) Very large zombie that carry a huge axe. This Tyrant is ordered by the Death Spirit to kill Ace pacifically. This causes the Excutioner to ignore others and to be totally agro on Ace. The Excutioner is pretty slow moving, not hyper aggressive.

  Demolisher - The first Tyrant of the series. Super Hyper Aggressive, big sharp teeth and claws. Big & Strong. Able to throw large objects like boulders & even cars. Likes to charge at its target and rip them apart.


  Damantha -

  Madhell - Devil Horns,

  Hellraiser -

  Novant - Wings

  Tetorist -

  Apocalypse - This Tyrant is a huge tank like zombie that marches on and on around the world with a horde of zombies that follow him. Destorying everyone and everything in its path. Apocalyspe is known to destory whole communities of survivors. It is said that Apocalyspe been marching across the country, states away. (THIS IS A MOVIE)   Telepathy - A Dead Woman. She can telepathically control zombies that she syncs with. She is tall and slim. Attacks people by using other dead ones to coordinate attacks on her prey. She has sharp nails, a fit body, standing at 5ft 9. She is capable of picking up and wielding melee weapons. She can also talk. She has dreads that dance when she is taking control over a new zombie.

  Painterror -

All of the Tyrants will be futher expanded upon in their own pages.


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