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Attack Rolls & Harm

Attack Rolls

It’s only a matter of time before you and your gang end up in a fight. During this time, the Marshal may slow things down allowing each drifter to take turns showing off their abilities.   Performing an action roll to attack an enemy with a weapon is similar to any other action roll except the skill required determines the weapon you are using and the roll results are different. The following are all possible results when attacking a target:
Name Description
Miss (0 Total) The attack misses and the action comes with a difficult cost. Additionally, you gain one experience point.
Graze (1) The attack lands, but barely and with a cost. The target marks off one harm.
Hit (2) The attack lands without issue and the target marks off one harm.
Critical Hit (3) The attack lands without issue. The target marks off one harm and you choose one from the list below:
  • The attack does an additional harm.
  • The next action roll made by another drifter against the target has a greater effect.
  • You recover one gumption.
    *A player cannot recover gumption if it was used during this action roll


Your drifter’s health is measured by a total of nine hit boxes which are split into two groups: wounds and traumas. The first six boxes are referred to as wound boxes and represent basic harm you may incur ranging from a small cut to a broken bone. When taking harm, fill your wound boxes from left to right. Once the second, fourth, and sixth box is filled, the skill most related to the type of harm received is marked as broken. Action rolls using a broken skill are automatically made with a lesser effect.   The last three boxes are referred to as trauma boxes and represent serious harm that affects one of your attributes. Trauma boxes are filled if you take a particularly serious attack or if all your wound boxes are already filled before taking harm. Once a trauma box is filled, the attribute most related to the type of harm is marked as broken. Action rolls using a broken attribute are automatically made with a lesser effect.   Once the last trauma box is filled, regardless if all wound boxes are filled, your drifter immediately becomes unstable. While unstable you are unable to move and all action rolls are made with no effect. To become stable again, you must seek some kind of professional treatment. Without it you will eventually succumb to your harm and die.  

Recovering Harm

Recovering from a wound can be fairly simple once you’re away from danger. If you spend at least six hours in your caravan’s camp or a similar safe space, you can clear two wound boxes and remove the broken status from one skill.   Unlike wounds, trauma will not simply heal over time. Trauma boxes can only be cleared with the aid of a medical professional or someone with equivalent skills. Once done, you can clear a single trauma box.


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