Citadel Krane Building / Landmark in Dead World | World Anvil
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Citadel Krane

House of truth both earthly and divine Citadel Krane stands high sending smoke high into the air as they burn heresy in their furnaces.

Purpose / Function

Citadel Krane serves as the headquarters for the Order of the Pyre, a group of hellknights that focus primarily on the routing out of cults and threatening religions. The pyre also serves as an auxiliary military force should Califas ever require them.


The structure is grim and black, a gothic tower looking over the northwestern quarter of Califas. Several chimneys produce thick black smoke burning books, outdated laws, and heretics in the citadel's heresy furnaces, only ceasing for royal celebrations.
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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