Citadel Vraid Building / Landmark in Dead World | World Anvil
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Citadel Vraid

A riverside citadel that stands firmly between Yin Sar and the sanctity of chelish civilization. The home of the Order of the Nail.

Purpose / Function

A forward bastion that serves to defend against elven incursion and to assault bordering Yin Sarian villages. In addition, Citadel Vraid also holds a large civilian population, most of them being slaves that work farms keeping the citadel cellars stocked with grain and supplies to withstand long winters and sieges.


The largest of the hellknight citadels with multiple towers and walls layering defense. The integration of cannons and gattling guns into the fortress make sieging the citadel a risky endeavor for any party.
Acropolis / Citadel
Owning Organization

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