Fort Infrexus Building / Landmark in Dead World | World Anvil
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Fort Infrexus

A stone fortress standing atop a plateau. This fortress was never truly built as it is a dwarven ruin that has been reinforced and renovated with infernal ornamentation. While some might consider this unpatriotic due to the dwarven heritage of the structure, the necessity of a strong fortress has quelled any argumentation over its use.

Purpose / Function

Fort Infrexus stands at a strategic location where it can hold against the worldwound and against Yin Sar. In times of conflict it is used as a midpoint in supply lines and a point to garrison troops to move between fronts.


Large and blocky with shorter doors and hallways, Fort Infrexus' architecture is obviously designed by and for dwarves. All of the gold that once lined the walls has been stripped out and added to the Chelish mint long ago leaving jagged chips in the stone next to deep grooves.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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