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History of Deadlands

  • 1861

    12 April

    The Civil War begins
    Military action

    The fight between the northern and southern states have started. The South—which called itself the Confederate States of America, the Confederacy, or the CSA—seceded from the Union over their dependence and insistence upon that cruelest of institutions, human slavery, and the rights of individual states to decide whether it would be allowed within their borders or not.

  • 1863

    1 January

    Union outlaws slavery
    Cultural event

    President Lincoln formally issued the Emancipation Proclamation, calling on the Union army to liberate all enslaved people in states still in rebellion as “an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity.” These three million enslaved people were declared to be “then, thenceforward, and forever free.”

  • 1863
    First sighting of “rattlers” in Utah
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Maze dragons and giant worms—folks out West call them “rattlers”—are accepted as natural creatures, although many have to see ‘em to believe ‘em. And they’re big enough and scary enough most folks still soil their delicates when they do!

  • 1863

    1 July

    3 July

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Military action

    Up to that point, the largest battle of the American Civil War. The dead rose from the battlefield, attacking and devouring enemies and allies alike.

  • 1863
    Texas Rangers reassigned to investigate weird events

    After a few more disastrous battles and epic tragedies, the United States charged the Pinkerton Detective Agency with figuring out how to stop it. The South gave the job to the stalwart Texas Rangers.

  • 1865

    14 April

    President Lincoln assassinated
    Criminal Activity

    At 10:15 pm, John Wilkes Booth entered the back of Lincoln's theater box, crept up from behind, and fired at the back of Lincoln's head, mortally wounding him. Vice president, Andrew Johnson takes office.

  • 1865
    Union establishes the Agency

    Pinkerton Detective Agency was taken over by a new government peration called simply the “Agency.”

  • 1866

    Brigham Young proclaims Utah the Independent Nation of Deseret
    Religious event

    Brigham Young, Joe Smith’s successor as leader of the Mormon people, realized the church’s mistakes and earnestly took steps to prevent any more terrible tragedies. As the war raged on and it became increasingly doubtful which side would win, Young declared the Utah territory the independent “State of Deseret”. He declared that Deseret’s loyalties lay with the Union.

  • 1868
    The Great Quake
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Great Quake shattered the California coast from crown to toe. Half the territory was sundered into a labyrinth of shattered sea canyons called “The Great Maze.” Earthquakes roared all up and down the coast, tearing open wide channels the sea rushed in to fill.

  • 1868
    Ghost rock discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    Excavated coast revealed something entirely new: deposits of a substance that burned five times hotter and 10 times longer than coal. Californians named the ore ghost rock because of the peculiar, moaning wail it makes when burned. The new superfuel set off a scientific revolution, making all sorts of miraculous gizmos and doodads that run on the stuff.

  • 1869

    Ulysses S. Grant elected president. George Meade leads the Union Army
    Political event

  • 1870

    Hellstromme arrives in Deseret
    Life, Milestone

  • 1871


    Battle of Washington
    Military action

    The Confederates attacked Washington with a vast, mechanized horde in February of ’71. The Union forces were caught completely off-guard and pushed back into southern Pennsylvania. But the Confederates’ gizmos soon broke down and the rebel supply of ghost rock ran low. His back against the wall, General George Meade, Commander of the Army of the Potomac, gave the most inspiring speech of his career to his shattered forces. Perhaps sensing something even more important than the Union was at stake, the soldiers rallied and staged an epic counterattack. Desperate infantry ran into the faltering but terrible steel jaws of the Confederate war machines, and prevailed. Confederate General Robert E. Lee was forced to retire across the Potomac, his forces shattered and broken.

  • 1871

    9 April

    Confederate states surrender
    Diplomatic action

    After 10 years, the Confederate war engine was spent. Meade vowed not to lose this opportunity. He gathered up every man he could find—and even some women—and chased the remnants of Lee’s forces deep into Virginia, finally surrounding him at a place called Appomattox. Lee surrendered and the long Civil War was over.

  • 1871
    Great Rail Wars begin
    Military action

    In late 1871, with the South in ruins and the United States grappling with Reconstruction, President Grant tried a new tack to get a handle on the chaos of the Maze and California Territory. He offered the first company to build a transcontinental railroad an exclusive contract to supply the United States with ghost rock. The Rail Barons didn’t play nice. A new war began in the US, primarily in the West.

  • 1872

    Dodge City established

  • 1872

    Sitting Bull founds Sioux Nations
    Civil action

  • 1874

    Coyote Confederation is formed
    Civil action

  • 1874

    Tombstone established

  • 1875

    Deadwood established.

    More reading
    Indian Country
  • 1876

    Reverend Grimme establishes Free and Holy City of Lost Angels, California
    Religious event

  • 1876

    Deadwood Treaty signed
    Diplomatic action

  • 1877

    Rutherford B. Hayes elected president
    Political event

  • 1879

    Battle of Lost Angels
    Military action

    Wasatch Rail wins the Great Rail Wars.

  • 1880

    The Great Flood
    Disaster / Destruction

    Second Great Quake washed over the City of Lost Angels and killed Reverend Grimme. After the flood, the followers of the church came together under a new leader, Reverend John Prosperi. They rebuilt the city on what dry land remained and expanded eastward. Rapid recovery of ghost rock refining and exports helped the city’s economy to recover. Local farmers brought goods to market for the first time in more than a decade.

  • 1881

    President James A. Garfield assassinated after six months of his term. Chester A. Arthur takes office
    Criminal Activity

  • 1881

    The Great Summoning.
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Technology ceases functioning inside the borders of the Sioux Nations forever.

  • 1882

    6 May

    US passes Chinese Exclusion Act
    Political event

    President Chester A. Arthur signed federal law, prohibiting all immigration of Chinese laborers. Passage of the law was preceded by anti-Chinese violence, as well as various policies targeting Chinese migrants.

  • 1884
