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Native American

Uncle Sam's forgotten children

Native Americans are the indigenous people of North America. During this time period they are also referred to by the derogatory term "Red Skins", or simply "Indians", and primarily live on reservations. Due to their violent past with the white settlers they are slow to trust anyone outside their own race and most of them hold a deep resentment for the white man. Due to this whatever tribes that are left have started putting their differences aside and banding together to preserve and protect what is left of their lands and resist being forced to live on reservations.
It is from this desperate need of protecting and reclaiming their land that it is rumoured they welcomed evil in our midsts.

However it didn't seem to do much as evidence of precolonial native life is somewhat scarce these days, with the exception of the Escalera Catacombs. However, evidence of small Native groups still living the old way can be found, the most obvious example is the ruined Native settlement in Mescalero, it is all that remains of the tribe that battled with Drew MacFarlane over their lands. Another example of a Native settlement is Torquemada, which is likely the ruins of an ancient Navajo settlement. Only a small portion of the settlement remains, and what is left is in poor condition, with many holes in the roof and a weak structure.

There are also other more subtle references to the wilder relations between Whites and Natives; a ruined caravan with arrows sticking from the wood can be found in the desert in Hamlin's Passing, another possible Native ruin is Rattlesnake Hollow, although it is possible it was a mining operation; it's also possible the holes are what is left from mining copper for the Navajo, or the sacred stone catlinite, however this is purely speculation. Overall, the Wild West is rife with unexplained ruins and clues to the violent past of the American frontier.
Racial Perk
+2 when tracking game



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