A species of anthropromorphic reptiles. They usually only reach 3'9''. They probably originated from a lesser subspecies of draco yet they lack any form of natural magic abilities. They are usually colored red but color variants range from red to green to rarely even purple.
Basic Information
These small humanoid draconian creatures walk upright on their hind legs.
They are rather small with the biggest individuals reaching only 4ft in height.
They are rather small with the biggest individuals reaching only 4ft in height.
Growth Rate & Stages
Their growth rate is similar to other humanoid species, if a bit faster.
They reach maturity after 19 years and can live up to 150 years.
They reach maturity after 19 years and can live up to 150 years.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Their diet is purely carnivorous. If there is absolutely nothing to eat they might eat fruits but when they can, they always prefer meat.
Additional Information
Geographic Origin and Distribution
They seem to live everywhere except in extreme conditions like deserts.
They live mostly in underground tunnels they build themselves.
They live mostly in underground tunnels they build themselves.
Average Intelligence
They are quite intelligent even if they seem to lack communication skills with other species.
Up to 150 years
Average Height
0.6-1.5 meters