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The Watcher

Walking along the streets, best you be fleet on your feet
For it follows in the dark, having already set its mark.   Nary a footprint nor a sound, see it you shall not.
Even when glancing 'round.   Run, run, run, far away, away from the shadows.
Run, run, run, far away, away from where the one eye glows.   Perverse scourge beset those who wander ere night.
Yet never appearing more than within the edge of sight.

I was ready to dismiss the rumors as mere fear—hallucinations caused by stress, the dark, and news of recent eldritch activity. What stopped me from doing so was the consistency of the rumors.
-Ocea Twalk 
Describe the Watcher in detail we cannot.
For take shape of man, beast, or being it has not.   Twisted shadow, twisted shadow—tis all that we see.
Twisted shadow, twisted shadow—tis all it may be.   A mere rumor, a cry of fear.
Something to frighten those you hold dear.   Yet as one walks along Brimsey's paths at night.
Be not surprised when thee spots the thing in the corner of sight.

I asked around the Navy Headquarters, along with several individuals in the Capital District. The few that described the phenomenon all recalled a single, large floating eye. The topic was becoming known—they even made a song about it.
So stay fleet upon thee feet, aware of all that is near.
For the Watcher may well appear.   Watching, forever watching.
Its one eye forever plotting.   What schemes it devises, what evils it arises.
What lies beneath its guises.   We cannot know, we cannot say.
All we can attest is its disappearance ere day.

Unfortunately, hearing rumors was as far as I got, along with learning the (admittedly rather catchy) song. Does this "Watcher" exist? Does it truly stalk the streets of Brimsey? I can't say for sure. I doubt I'll get a definite answer anytime soon.


To this day, few can say with certainty whether the Watcher exists or not. And if to does indeed exist, there would still exist the question whether there exists only one, or multiple. Eyewitness accounts are the only form of evidence ever provided. But given the nature of the eldritch, that is simultaneously all the proof needed and nowhere near enough.   Accounts of the presumed entity are confined to Port Brimsey—namely in the capital district, where individuals live closer together and where buildings are more tightly packed.


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