Every character has joined a Cult or was born into one. Its views, rites, and duties all influence them: he is part of a social framework and submits to its hierarchy. He can learn special Cult Potentials, and access items from the Cults arsenals - at least, within certain limits, especially as a new recruit. The character starts at the bottom of the food chain. As a Neolibyan, he starts as an Apprentice. As a Chronicler, he’ll start as a Bit. His Skills - and his Backgrounds, which are explained later in this chapter - decide if he rises in rank, and into which one. Through clever choices of Attributes and Skills, characters can rise above the first rank of a Cult during character creation. Every rank has its responsibilities, but also its benefits, including the use of certain Cult equipment among other things. The ranks of the Cults, their prerequisites and their benefits are listed on the following pages.
Character joins a Cult. Player notes the Skill bonuses. Certain Skills and Backgrounds give the character access to higher ranks