
A disease that causes feather-loss

Winniga is a condition that causes the flight feathers of the user's wings to fall out after using the medicine Senserabine, a last-resort treatment of the illness known as Quennill's Shock.


The cause of winniga is a reaction to the medication Senserabine by the immune system. This reaction causes the immune system to attack the user's flight feathers, causing them to fall out.


Symptoms include: brittle feathers, reduced feather oil production, reduced feather growth, flight feathers falling out.


The two known cures for winniga are:
  1. Stopping the mediciation Senserabine and staying off of the medication for 110 days, or approximately 3 months.
  2. Taking the immuno-suppressant Victobamal, which stops the immune system from attacking the feathers, but also opens the body up to infection.


The prognosis of winniga is good, as the flight feathers almost always grow back within 220 days of falling out as long as the medication has not been continued.


Unfortunately, the medication which causes winniga is the last resort treatment of Quennill's Shock, a disease that can turn deadly, as it causes muscles and joints to lock up. In the final stages of Quennill's Shock, the muscles used for breathing and blood circulation are stiffened, and death follows shortly thereafter. This means that, of the patients who develop winniga, only 62% live long enough to fully recover from winniga.

Affected Groups

Only Dorian Angels have ever been diagnosed with winniga, and it is speculated that Dorian Angels are the only race able to contract the disease thanks to a rare, recessive trait found in the population.


There is no way to prevent winniga except through the non-use of Senserabine.


Winniga is not contagious, and is not caused by microbes, but by a reaction in the body of those taking Senserabine.

Cultural Reception

Those with winniga are seen as disabled and, as such, are cared for by their community and the government until they are either fully healed or dead. This view of those with winniga is due to both being part of a deadly disease and being a condition the removes the ability to fly.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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