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Mount Celestia

The Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia, also known as the Seven Heavens is the pinnacle of lawful goodness within the Upper Planes. The Seven Heavens were dedicated to goodness shaped by law and justice tempered with mercy.   Celestia is the ultimate in law and good. All aspects of Celestia are beautiful and perfect; it is where the souls of many creatures of lawful or good alignment went after death. Celestia is home to numerous celestial creatures including various types of archons.  

The Seven Layers

As an outer plane, Celestia is spatially infinite and consisted of seven infinite layers (or sub-planes). The seven individual layers form a colossal mountain that rose from an infinite sea of holy water on the bottommost layer, to the summit on the topmost layer. Ascending the mountain is analogous to travelling through subsequently higher or 'deeper' layers to the top. Each of the seven layers contained at least one mountain or high structure rising into the sky, and most had whole mountain ranges. The barriers between the layers were arranged such that entrances were at the lowest geographical points and exits at the highest, so a traveler from the Astral Plane would enter the first layer at the base of the mountain.  


Celestia's first and bottommost layer shared borders with the neighboring planes. Travel between Celestia and adjacent planes are possible in certain locations.   Known as the Silver Heaven, Lunia was the first layer travelers encountered. The sky of Lunia is a nighttime sky filled with stars that illuminated the layer with a silver glow.
Dimensional plane
Inhabiting Species


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