Branà Organization in Delphinium | World Anvil
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Warm and free are words often used to describe Branà. To any who are not from there, the weather is prefect for there main export which happens to be wine, Branà wine is said to be among the finest wine in all the Seven Realms and as such a fierce Rivalry between three Houses has been formed House Anuaer House Duthjuth and House Gwaelon, these houses and there associated families have made the making of wine in to an art form, each family spicalising in a type or types of wine. Many call Branà the home of the elves and while this is not stickly true as even the elves no longer remeber, many scolars believe that Kaer Coedwig stand as one of the oldest settlements in the Seven Realms.


Queen Elaéyadar - Leader and matriarch of Branà, stands as final say on political matters, she rules from her thrown in Kaer Coedwig   Leaves of the Evertree - (abbreviated "leaves") a small council of sorts these men and women run the day to day management of the kingdom of Branà   Shield of the Queen - this is the royal brigade of the military charged with the protection of the Queen and her people   lords of Branà - the lords of Branà rule over the smaller settlements within the queens domain, managing and ruling over these lands as the queens loyal servants

Public Agenda

The Queen of Branà has stated muiltpul times she wishes that no citizen of her lands ever go hungry, and for the most part she is correct how ever many lords see this as only applying to residents of Branà and as such larger towns and city's have had increasing numbers of destitute people forming slums and shanty towns around them.


Branà's main export is alcohol most importantly in the form of wine, as wine is an expensive commodity it has lead to larger coffers for Branà making it the second richest realm in the Seven Realms, this has gained the ire of many who would want to take that gold for them selves and as a defensive measure Branà's army is impressive for there size boasting both Magic and non magic infantry as well as a sizeable navy, most of Branà's power lies in its people who believe heart and soul in the queen and Country making a mighty loyal peasant militia when needed.   They also boast one of the finest academies for magic study located in ----------.



Leaves fall when they may, we do not decide when or how

Founding Date
793 FD
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The land of Elven Beauty, The Whisper Lands
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Gold, silver and copper. Platinum and Electrum while rare are also legal tender
Related Ethnicities

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