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Moff Riba Byluir

Moff Riba Byluir

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Drammai Defense Force uniform issued in recognition of his meritous service to the organization

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ryba Byluir was born into an influential family on Mir-Phala space station. His father was the overseer of station expansion while his mother managed employment services. Ryba grew up respecte dand liked, and had many friends in school and on sport teams he was a part of. His best friend was Orron Tillo, a fellow forward on his grav-ball team. Byluir and Tillo joined the Drammai Defense Service at the same time in order to pay for university, and were immediately brought to the front lines when the Clone Wars began. The two friends served on a battleship as members of a weapon maintenance crew. Byluir rose quickly, eventually becoming the ship's first officer, while Tillo became the ship's chief engineer.   When Separatist forces invaded the sector in 21 BBY, Byluir was called upon to defend his home of Mir-Phala from assault. Most of the Drammai Defense Force was destroyed in this battle, and Byluir's captain was killed in combat. Ryba took over as acting-captain until the Republic relief fleet arrived. After this action, the remainder of the DDF was absorbed into the Republic military. Byluir received a promotion to Line Captain, taking command of an Acclamator-class ship, the Endurance. Byluir asked Orron Tillo to come on as his first officer, which Tillo readily accepted.   At the Battle of Anatisar in 20 BBY, Byluir's ship was crippled in a Separatist assault and Tillo was killed while helping make repairs to the craft. After Tillo's military funera, Byluir vowed to make the Delta Sharatan sector a better place, free from the subversive policies of the Confederacy, and in recognition of his meritous service to the Republic, was promoted to the rank of Admiral. From the bridge of a Venator-class cruiser, Byluir oversaw most major fleet and ground actions throughout the sector up until the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY.   After nearly a decade of mop-up actions against holdout Separatist forces throughout the sector, Ryba Byluir was appointed the Moff of the Delta Sharatan sector, and given command of the Onager-class Star Destroyer Goliath and its accompanying squadron task force. Under Byluir's stewardship, and with the imposing might of an Onager testbed at his beck and call, the Delta Sharatan sector began to heal the wounds inflicted by years of war against the Separatists.   As reports of suspected rebel activity in the sector began to mount, the 6th Fleet was transferred to the sector, under the feared Grand Admiral Ihamu, another native of Delta Sharatan. The two have been charged by Grand Moff Tarkin with bringing the rebel threat to heel.


Military training at Republic Military Academy Advanced military training at Imperial academy on Anaxes


Drammai Defense Fleet, 22 BBY-19 BBY, Gunnery officer -> Commander of Acclamator-class Assault Cruiser Endurance Galactic Empire, 19 BBY-Present, Military administrator -> System Moff

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rallied and led Republic forces to victory in Battle of ______, took command of gunnery teams after senior officer was killed Promoted to Commander in Drammai Defense Fleet, led fleets in Battle of ________ and _________ Promoted to Admiral and sector overseer when Galactic Empire came to power Helped subdue the last remnants of Separatist forces in Delta Sharatan sector Formally appointed as Moff in 4 BBY, given command of ISD ________ and accompanying attack squadron
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Current Residence
OSD "Goliath"
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs.

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