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Lord's Alliance

Characters who place the security of the city and the realm ahead of their own interests are invited to join this faction. Potential recruits must be residents of Waterdeep.  

Jalester Silvermane

The characters' primary contact is Jalester Silvermane, a field agent who reports to Open Lord Laeral Silverhand. Jalester spends much of his time in the Yawning Portal and other taverns that adventurers are known to frequent.   Jalester offers membership in the Lords' Alliance to those who qualify. Members are expected to complete whatever missions are assigned to them in a timely, professional manner. Refusing to accept or complete a mission can result in suspension or dismissal. An alliance member who is suspended receives no alliance missions until the suspension ends, while dismissal from the alliance means a loss of membership and the loss of all renown in the faction.  

Lords' Alliance Missions

Party Level Mission Brief Mission Requirements and Reward
2nd “A gang war is causing unrest throughout the city. We have offered protection to members of the Dungsweepers’ Guild, and you have been assigned to protect a group of them. Meet them at the Muleskull Tavern, on Ship Street in the Dock Ward, at six bells and guard them while they work. Do this every day for a tenday.” Each morning, the characters meet with a team of four dungsweepers (commoners) and head to the Trades Ward, where the sweepers spend the day cleaning up waste in the streets. It’s boring work. On the ninth day, around highsun, a carrion crawler emerges from a nearby alley, pursued by two City Watch guards. The characters can help slay the carrion crawler, which came up from the sewers.
Reward: Each Lords’ Alliance character gains 1 renown.
3rd “Harko Swornhold, an evil adventurer who was exiled three years ago for attempting to bribe a city magistrate, has returned to Waterdeep illegally. We think the Xanathar Guild is using him to incite violence. He was last seen recruiting kenku in the Dock Ward. Find him and quietly put him to the sword.” Whichever character leads the search must succeed on three DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) checks before gaining three failures, with each check representing 8 hours of investigation. Other characters can assist, granting advantage on the checks. Harko (bandit captain) has two kenku companions that fight by his side.
Reward: Each Lords’ Alliance character gains 1 renown.
4th “The Zhents are courting a Red Wizard of Thay named Esloon Bezant, trying to add his gang of thugs to their ranks. All we know about him is that he fled his homeland a few years back and is too smart to get caught doing anything illegal. He and his gang of bullies prowl the Dock Ward. Scuttle the deal, and do it fast!” The characters can create a rift between the Zhentarim and Esloon’s gang by sowing rumors of betrayal. They must spend 25 gp in bribes and succeed on a DC 16 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check. Conversely, they can confront Esloon Bezant (LE male Thayan human mage) and his gang of five thugs and either defeat them or bribe them with at least 500 gp.
Reward: Each Lords’ Alliance character gains 2 renown. The characters can also deprive Esloon of his spellbook, which contains all the spells he has prepared.
5th “The City Watch is overwhelmed by the recent surge in violence and needs our help. We have reports of an assassin prowling the rooftops, picking off targets with arrows and alarming citizens. My sources say he goes to ground somewhere near Trollskull Alley. Find him, alert the City Watch to his whereabouts, and aid in his arrest if you can. Don’t kill him, since doing that could escalate the violence further.” Whichever character leads the hunt must succeed on three DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) checks before gaining three failures, with each check representing 8 hours of investigation. Other characters can assist, granting advantage on the checks. If the search succeeds, characters corner the assassin, Ziraj the Hunter, in the greenhouse of Corellon’s Crown in Trollskull Alley (area T4). Ziraj surrenders to the City Watch without a fight, believing that his fellow Zhents will find a way to free him.
Reward: Each Lords’ Alliance character gains 2 renown. Every character who aids in Ziraj’s capture receives 50 gp.

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