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Order of the Gauntlet

The Order of the Gauntlet looks for members who seek to fight evil in all its forms. Adventurers who worship Helm, Torm, or Tyr are especially sought after.  

Savra Belabranta

If the party includes one or more likely recruits, Savra Belabranta (NG female Tethyrian human knight) visits the characters' residence and invites them to the Halls of Justice, the temple of Tyr (located west of the Market in the Castle Ward), where they can be sworn into the order. The swearing-in ceremony involves the recitation of an oath to find and destroy evil in all its forms. The oath is spoken while every candidate wears a silver gauntlet (a symbol of the order). After the ceremony, Savra gives new recruits their first mission.   The Belabrantas are a Waterdavian noble family that raises griffons for the Griffon Cavalry. Savra is trying to regain her honor by serving Tyr, thus atoning for the evil acts she committed as a member of an evil elemental cult called the Howling Hatred. Savra's sins are irrelevant to this adventure, but you can learn more about her past in Princes of the Apocalypse. Whenever she has a mission for the characters, she communicates the missive to them herself.  

Order of the Gauntlet Missions

Party Level Mission Brief Mission Requirements and Reward
2nd “We hear that the Zhents are paying gangs in the Field Ward to attack suspected Xanathar Guild members. Fights are breaking out in the ward daily. Stop a fight before it happens. We need to send a message to these thugs that further altercations won’t be tolerated.” The characters must visit the Field Ward and, as a fight threatens to break out, make three successful DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation) checks before failing three checks, or else defeat four thugs (preferably without killing them) to disperse the would-be brawlers.
Reward: Each Order of the Gauntlet character gains 1 renown.
3rd “A notorious thief called the Black Viper, long thought dead, has apparently returned to Waterdeep. She has already robbed at least a dozen noble estates. No one knows her identity because she wears a mask, but it was reported in The Waterdeep Wazoo that she’s a noble. Find out what else the broadsheet’s publisher knows about her and report back to me.” The characters can meet with Gaxly Rudderbust (N male Illuskan human commoner), the publisher of The Waterdeep Wazoo, and either succeed on a DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check or bribe him with at least 50 gp. If they do so, Gaxly shares his suspicions that the Black Viper is the secret, evil twin sister of Ammalia Cassalanter, and that she wears a mask to hide a disfigurement. Interviewing the Cassalanters at their villa (see the Hell of a Summer add-on) or conducting a day-long investigation and succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals that no such person exists.
Reward: Each Order of the Gauntlet character gains 1 renown for reporting what Gaxly said.
4th “Guards at the Endshift Tavern, located on Endshift Street in the Field Ward, are being robbed nightly, and the innkeeper says he’s seen giant rats prowling around the back alleys. Sounds dull, but it’s a plea for help that we can’t ignore.” The inn is being harassed by the Shard Shunners, a gang of halfling wererats, because the innkeeper’s guards once threatened a gang member. To end the harassment, the characters must defeat three wererats or scare them off with a successful DC 17 Charisma (Intimidation) check.
Reward: Each Order of the Gauntlet character gains 2 renown and receives a potion of healing.
5th “I just received a report that spined devils are terrorizing citizens in Twelvedog Court, in the Field Ward. Come, let us slay them together and find their evil summoner!” The characters must help Savra defeat five spined devils, which have locals pinned down in nearby buildings. Right afterward, Gysheer Omfreys (LE female Tethyrian human cult fanatic) emerges from an alley and attacks Savra. Gysheer is an overzealous member of a devil-worshiping cult led by Victoro Cassalanter. Savra tries to subdue and question her, but only magical compulsion can force her to implicate Victoro. Since devil worship isn’t illegal in Waterdeep, Savra has no grounds to stir up trouble with the Cassalanters, and she advises characters not to do so, either.
Reward: Each Order of the Gauntlet character gains 2 renown. Every character who took part receives a potion of greater healing.

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