Session 7: A night under the Lanterns Report in Demergion | World Anvil
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Session 7: A night under the Lanterns

General Summary

With their would be assailants unconscious at their feet, the group made their way outside, taking the effort of dragging Timo and the remains of Chopper along. Here Volkar, running his mouth ran into a zealous dockworker and got punched in the face. Outside the group was greeted by merchant Scherer who paid the group for their assistance in clearing the warehouse.    Seeking to get somewhere more comfortable, the group chartered a cart, which also helped them carting the bodies of Timo and the construct along. When all where on the cart, it departed, eventually coming to a stop in a back-alley. Where the group was approached by a blonde-haired woman with an eyepatch as well as five stern looking ruffians. The woman was addressed as "Rottmayr", who demanded the map. Volkar who smelled trouble a mile away darted away taking the map along, which resulted in the group being given an ultimatum: "find Rottmayr the map within the next two days, or die".    With this warning on their mind the group was driven out of the alleyway and eventually returned to the The Friendly Kobold where they started to plan a hasty getaway. With some more involved in this plan than others. Later on the day Rotrig Cerik, the Merchant arrived, and the group join him on his "night-time adventure", this brought them to The House of Forbidden Lanterns which was as some expected a house of ill-repute, with a reputation of great service.    A night of pleasure and merriment was disturbed on two fronts as Rotrig was turned into a fly-dwarf hybrid by seemingly magical means, which resulted in his female companion running down screaming. Not long thereafter the doors of the establishment where pushed open and a stern looking woman dressed in the black of the city watch, bearing the insignia on an investigator entered the scene, and declared the establishment to be on lockdown, under suspicion of harboring a murderer, and introduced herself as Greta Helnwein. Due to their earlier visit to the watch and them seeking her out, the group was "deputized" by her and tasked to find this murderer.
Report Date
24 Nov 2021

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