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The Air Elementals

  The Angites, also known as Celestials, were a race of Elemental within The Elemental Plane. Angites were genetically different to Humans, but were related closely enough that could interbreed with them and with other Elementals such as the Malai, the Pyrissians and the Aquan. They were a Matriarchal society with a rigid hierarchy and a strong focus on manners and politeness, often considered very snooty and aloof by the other Elemental races.
Angites as the Air Elementals primarily lived in high altitudes, and the Angite Kingdom itself spanned much of the central Four-King's Mountains of the Elemental Plane. Because of this, they're more adapted to colder climates and higher altitudes in general, and their shared powers very much reflect the environment they lived in.


Angites (Homo angelus), as Elementals, are mammals. They're closely related to Homo sapiens and other Elementals, and are able to produce viable offspring with either. Like other Homo species, Angites are known for their high intelligence and bipedal structure- their large brains (identical to a Human's in shape and size) giving them enhanced cognitive skills allowing for the development of language and use of tools. There are little records of Angite civilisations outisde of the Elemental plane, with only a few specimens dating to have lived over a hundred thousand years ago having been unearthed in Central Asia, primarily the Mongolian plateau and in southern Siberia. It's not known why the Angites suddenly disappeared from Central Asia, but for some reason or another they migrated to the Elemental Plane. Of course, there are Humans of Angite descent, but in the same way many people have small amounts of Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA.
  Angites develop at the same rate as Humans do, reaching puberty between the ages of 10 and 14 years, and also developing the same primary and secondary sex characteristics as Humans. They're socially considered adults at 18 years of age, but do not finish developing fully until around 25. Like other Empowered, Angites are normally not able to use their powers until they've reached puberty.
Angites generally live slightly longer than humans, frequently reaching up to 100 years of age. Because of this, they can safely reproduce up until their 60s, where childbearing Angites will go through menopause.
  Visually Angites are fairly similar to Humans, although possess hair and eye colours that are not naturally occuring in other Homo species. Violet irises occur in up to 65% of Angites, while blue and green together account for 33% of angites. Brown eyes are much rarer, and occur in less than 2% of Angites. Additionally, hair colours generally follow the same pattern as other Homo species, ranging from light blondes to black- although some mutations have caused few Angites to have Purple, Blue or Green hair. The hair on an Angite's body is finer and sparser than a Human's.
  In terms of powers, Angites are an interesting case as they have two separate genes for their powers. It seems to allow them to have multiple powers under one Subclass, which is normally impossible for an Empowered or Elemental short of being Soul Merged.
Angites have three universal powers. In terms of flight, Angites can summon and de-summon a set of wings. What those wings look like is based on their genetics, though most have high-speed wing shapes. Their feather colours can range from white to brown to gold, and they generally aren't heavily patterned. If their wings are damaged in any way, an Angite can de-summon them, though will not be able to summon them again for several hours.


Major language groups and dialects

Angites primarily write on stone due to the climate not favouring the manifacture of paper, and so their script is more angled and written with specialised mark-making tools. While their writing system differs from other Elementals, their dialect is actually very similar to the Malai language and many words can be understood between both races.

Shared customary codes and values

Fitting in is more important than standing out. Therefore, in Angite society, it's important that beauty, politeness and eloquence is maintained, to the point where poorer folk and peasants behave similarly to the nobility. Education is also a key value.
Violence is seen as incredibly barbaric, and instead Angites prefer to disguise threats and insults underneath pleasantries.

Common Etiquette rules

Politeness and being well-mannered is common etiquette, and any rudeness of any sort is taken as a direct insult on not just others, but the people who raised the person, too.

Common Dress code

Elegant clothing with high detail is favoured, especially by Angites with high social status. Having multiple layers is also important for their high-altitude living, and all nobles will wear expensive furs.

Art & Architecture

Stone carvings and sculptures are the main art form for Angites. Paintings are incredibly few and far between as canvases and varied pigments are harder to come by, and most paintings are simply done onto stone. To replicate the natural beauty of the form in three-dimensional sculptures is much more prized, so pigments are normally used to paint sculptures rather than flat canvases.
In terms of architecture, in the cold mountains function is the most important. Stone houses are built sturdy first and embellished with carvings later, and insulated with wool to trap the heat. Houses generally have no windows, instead utilising vents that can be opened and closed for air flow. A beautiful house inside and outside helps one to climb the social ladder.

Foods & Cuisine

Angites have limited kinds of food they can grow, mainly eating livestock such as sheep, goats and long-furred cattle. Milk form these animals is a valuable source of nutrition and hydration, but there are several mountain springs that the Angites use for clean water, mainly for bathing.
Other foods include hardy root vegetables, cereals, and tubers, as well as small, seasonal berries. Easy to cook and nutritious meals such as stews are common staples, and breads are eaten frequently. Hard and crumbly cheeses are aged in the mountain caves and normally eaten by nobles and high-standing families.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The warmer months are ushered in with big celebrations, where many families get together to socialise in hopes of climbing the social ladder and to find partners for their adult children. These festivals normally have men competing in dances and contests of flight to impress potential suitors, and many will spend all winter maintaining their wings and never de-summoning them.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Due to the hard soils, burial in the mountains is not common. Royalty may be buried in secure tombs in deep mountain caves, while most Angites are cremated and their ashes scattered in the winds.

Common Taboos

To touch another Angite's wings without permission is incredibly taboo, and for some can result in a short prison sentence. It's generally not enforced apart from in high-society, specifically if a much lower ranking Angite is the offender.
It's also taboo for an Angite woman of high ranking to marry another Angite of significantly lower ranking. Marrying for love is also discouraged.


Beauty Ideals

Angites consider beauty as highly important. Femininity is considered incredibly beautiful, so all genders will present themselves as fairly feminine by wearing makeup, elegant clothing and by maintaining lustrous and feathery wings. Golden wings are considered the most beautiful, while brown is nothing too extraordinary unless well maintained. White wings are not considered beautiful, even considered as bad luck as they are harder to maintain and stain and display dirt and grime much more clearly than other wing colours.
Healthy bodies are considered beautiful- this not only means athletic bodies, but curvy ones too. Being well-fed is considered by Angites to be as healthy as having a strong figure.

Gender Ideals

Women generally have the most privilege in Angite societies, and have higher social standings to men. Men are not dehumanised in any way, but moreso the women of the family and wider society are looked to for guidance and leadership. Women are revered for wisdom, emotional intelligence and as givers of life (nurturers if a woman cannot bear children).
A family of Angites is normally overseen by a Matriarch, who makes important decisions. She'll be the oldest of the family, normally a Grandparent or Great-Grandparent. The second in command, so to speak, would be her daughter (if she has one), as well as her partner. If the Matriarch of the family dies, generally the next oldest woman of the family will take her place.
The Matriarch of a family is normally consulted for important decisions, such as marriage (called Bonding for Angites), taking on new jobs, or moving in or out of the home.

Courtship Ideals

Angites with higher social status normally have marriages arranged for them by their Matriarchs. For men of all walks of life, marriage is the perfect chance to increase their social standing, and so many will try to impress women with beautiful clothing, well-kept wings and displaying skilled dances or tricks while flying.

Relationship Ideals

For many Angites, to marry for love is more something a peasant does. Nobility and high-status figures will almost always have arranged marriages.

Major organizations

The Angite Royal Family is the main faction of leadership, and the most respected family in the Kingdom.
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