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Enhanced Speed

Lightning Fast

  Enhanced Speed is the third Major Manifestation of the Enhanced Ability Subclass. It refers to an Empowered whose powers manifest as an incredible, supernatural speed. Someone with this power may be able to move at incredible speeds, as well as having super-fast and honed reflexes. The highest recorded running speed in these Empowered is one-hundred-and-twenty miles per hour, with most average around eighty to ninety.
This Manifestation was officially added to the Corporeal Class in the 1400s by Robert Stanton, who had recorded multiple Empowered who were supernaturally fast beyond typical human capability. Arthur Craddock and Doctor Moore further solidified it as a Manifestation in the 1800s.

Characters with Enhanced Speed

The characters with Enhanced Speed in the books are as follows:
  • Vixen Stray


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