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Theoretic Corporeal

Possible Yet Impossible

  Theoretic is the fourth Subclass within the Corporeal Class, but not one that is widely recognised legally, only scientifically. It refers to Empowered whose powers bend the very fabric of reality itself, whether through physical or spiritual means.
In 1869, Arthur Craddock proposed that if Empowered could bend the elements of the earth and even manipulate their physical forms and souls, it's not out of the realm of possibility for there to be individuals who could manipulate the very fabric of reality. He also suggested that reality as we know it only exists because no Empowered have been recorded or seen to be able to perform such feats- that if an Empowered with Theoretic powers emerged, it would spell the end of the world as we know it.
The Major Manifestations of this Subclass are listed below:
  Omnipotence (c. 1869)
Transcendence (c. 1869)


Because these powers are only thought to be able to exist, legally, they are not recognised in any country as Manifestations. Scientifically, quantum scientists and physics experts are incredibly interested in the topic due to its implications. If it can be done by an Empowered, these things could be possible with the right technology, too. Others consider the very notion incredibly dangerous, and a justification to remove Empowered from the general population.

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