A patch of the fey wild containing small, fog shrouded hamlets of various fey citizens. At the center of the hamlet sits a glorious theater, the Castallian Stage. Actors bring the house down night after night with stellar performances starring the various leading actors of Castallian. Patrons of the theater are required to dawn identical stunning cloaks and masks, allowing anonymity during every performance.
Afterwards, those citizens disperse to their homes, especially the non-fey; for when the sun dips below the horizon, the world shifts to that of a seemingly darker nature.It is uncommon, but non-fey residents can live amongst the community, but they are commonly affixed with various wards and glyphs that tie them to a sponsor. This is for their protection.
Townsfolk (Light Fey)
Satyr live in tented encampments around the town, forming a tight knit community. Family centric, passionate people. Based on real life romani people. They are very welcoming and polite to strangers but will hold onto grudges for “an eternity.” Nomadic, usually existing amongst the satyr or found wandering the edges of the wood.
Forest Folk (Dark Fey)
Red Caps
Small, deadly fey with deadly sickles. They will take your kneecaps and your coin.
The Covenant
A tight knit group of hags, whose missing sisters have greatly diminished their strength.
Glenda stated she was originally from a coven and is missing her sisters.
In Castallian's woods, there is a known coven (the Covenant) of Hags. You remember, a long time ago, a rumor that there was a fracture in their sisterhood and two of the members departed, leaving the other two behind to hold onto whatever power they once held.
A knowledge (History) of 23, provided you the knowledge that the remaining two hags are Bheur and Annis classification, but you do not personally (thank goodness you havent been that close) know their names.
Displacer Beast Packs
Tooth Faeries
Yeth Hound
A patch of the fey wild containing small, fog shrouded hamlets of various fey citizens. At the center of the hamlet sits a glorious theater, the Castallian Stage. Actors bring the house down night after night with stellar performances starring the various leading actors of Castallian. Patrons of the theater are required to dawn identical stunning cloaks and masks, allowing anonymity during every performance.