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Welcome to a world where the creator and dragons are dead. Where the moon's false light spawns horrors and twists children in their mother's wombs, giving birth to what can only be described as lovecraftian nightmares. A world shattered in eons past in a war between the first races, and again as Blackfire attempted to wipe it clean of all life.   And yet, despite all of the horrors of this world, life still endures. Humanity still endures.   In the west, on the continent of Rahvin humanity flourishes, the magic and light of the gods and the Black Sands allowing them to drive back the savage wilds and moonspawn. While they are still recovering from the utter devastation caused by the War of Bone and the rebirth of the Burnt God, the nations of Rahvin rose from the ashes and have begun to rebuild. Surimos struggles to hold their claim over the mage cities despite the presence of their god, while the holy nation of Loros plots and instigates, making ready their own claim for power over the subjugated cities. Duranos sits on the eastern frontier, a technological and mercantile juggernaut considered a rival to the other great powers despite their small size. While lurking at the outskirts of civilization, the tribal Grey and other, much darker things hide, held at bay for now, but always waiting. Watching for any sign of weakness.   But Rahvin is not the only continent of the world. Much closer to the center, bordering the Isle of Dusk and far closer to the Cradle of Life, the shining beacon of Farim stands. A diverse land filled with all of the elder races and the farthest colonies of humanity, the peoples of Farim are allied against the constant threat of the Children of the Night and their Widow mothers. While rivalries and plots of intrigue abound aplenty, it is against these living nightmares that the peoples of Farim must contend. And through all this chaos the lure of exploration, of reaching the Cradle of Life, dangles beyond all the horrors for those who's ambition burns bright enough.   The final lands of import rest to the east, and they are known as simply the Lands of Night. Web-strewn, labyrinthine mazes are all that can be found here, made and maintained by the eldest widows, while their children spread through the tunnels deep within the earth that span from the farthest eastern corners of the world, to the shores of Farim. No hope exists here, no civilization. Just horror, fear... hunger. A hunger that will consume the world unless the "Gods" of the Children are destroyed.   Depending on where your adventure starts and what style of game you want to play, this world can support multiple different game systems. Rahvin, the land where the most warring factions can be found, fits either 5th edition D&D or the custom skirmish game system Demonborn the best. Farim is a place of greater power, its proximity to the Cradle of Life leading to more heroic acts. It may still be simulated by 5e D&D at higher starting levels, but also can fit the base power-level of a system like 4e D&D where characters start as heroes and ascend to be... something more. The Lands of Night are not suitable for any starting adventures, but can be where an adventure in Farim leads to, and likely ends.

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