Finiti Crystalum Geographic Location in Depthopolis, (Not Totally Canon) | World Anvil
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Finiti Crystalum


To see what Finiti Crystalum was like before colonization, see History.   Currently Finiti is outfitted with an abundance of different artificial geological formations, from small islands to gravity defined mountains. In Cardica, the largest district hosted inside Finiti's only city Depthopolis, you can find an abundance of water aquatic, and Carbo-Oxy bio-terrestrial planet formations, with another Sulfur-Silicate habitat within its borders. Formations named such as: Rivers, Seas, Mountains, Lakes, Caves, Tunnels, low gravity bio Islands, Canyons, and many more can all be found in and around Cardica.


The Ecosystem of Finiti is very diverse but sadly does not contain very many land based terrestrial creatures outside of all the smaller insectoid-like creatures. Finiti's main ecosystem however contains many sessile, aquatic, aerial, burrowing, deep terrestrial, and anti-gravitational creatures that cover many areas of the Dimension's undeveloped volume.   There are many sessile creatures such as: Coralikes, Earth Plants, Plumates, Thermal mosses, and Bio-Engineered Infrastructure inside Finiti that all serve many purposes

Localized Phenomena

Gravity X Anti-Gravitational reactions   Desalination   Finiti Crystalum's unbreakable structure


Originally Finiti with only an empty crystal void of particles and without much if any gravitational pull inside its structure. after the rift was opened little light was originally reflected against the cold exterior crystal, but eventually as the first explorations began more light accumulated inside the structure. Then structure began to give a faint dim light surrounding the exploration foundation as more calculations and original documentation was made. Once documents on Finiti's discovery was publicized the United Multiverse began preparation in efforts to turn Finiti into a military powerhouse, able to serve as one of the strongest and most defensive military outposts ever engineered. This was due in part to the fact that Finiti was a closed off dimension that could only be initially accessed by a certain kind of rift, enabling Finiti's connection to be cut off from the outside if need be.


See Depthopolis Tourism
Alternative Name(s)
The Finite Dimension
Dimensional, Pocket
Included Locations

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