Brambleberry Leather

A staple food of the Southmarch Rangers as they patrol the roads and wilderness of Sudland and the Southern Wilds is Brambleberry Leather.   Brambleberry Leather is made from Brambleberries that the Rangers gather around their bases, along with honey and spices. The berries are crushed and stirred in a large bowl until they are a smooth liquid. The liquid is then filtered through a mesh strainer to remove seeds. Honey and spices, especially vanilla, cinnamon and a small amount of lemon, are stirred in for additional flavor and for their preservative properties, then the mixture is poured onto a shallow pan lined with waxed paper. The pan is placed into an oven over very low heat for several hours until the mixture has dried into a leathery consistency and is no longer sticky. After taking it out of the oven, the Brambleberry Leather is removed from the pan, cut into strips, and rolled up. The rolls can be additionally wrapped into waxed paper for storage.   Rolls of Brambleberry Leather are light, sweet, have lots of nutrients, and keep well for several weeks, making them an ideal food for the Rangers as they are out on their patrols. As it turns out, Brambleberry Leather rolls are also a favorite snack of children throughout Sudland, and parents like to give them to their children, as they are easy to carry, keep well, not messy, and tasty.   Baron Minoru Tachibana Meiling learned how to make Brambleberry Leather from the Southmarch Rangers and started producing it at Appleton Chateau. The talented winemakers and chefs at the Chateau experimented with the recipe, and soon were producing fruit leathers from many different kinds of fruit and berries grown around Appleton. They have become a popular export product. Rolls of fruit leather are packaged and traded as far as Kinsanaile and even beyond.
Rolls of Brambleberry Leather
Rolls of Brambleberry Leather by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Rolls of Brambleberry Leather
The original Brambleberry Leather produced by the Southmarch Rangers is not common, as it is only made and carried by them, and is not sold. However, several varieties of fruit leathers, including some Brambleberry Leather similar to that made by the Rangers, is produced, sold, and exported at Appleton Chateau. Those varieties are relatively common, especially in Sudland around Southport.
Raw materials & Components
Brambleberry Leather is made from ripe Brambleberries, honey, lemon, and spices.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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Aug 7, 2024 10:55

Thatsan interesting way to prepare those - I like it. Do they exclusively use those spices or are there different recipes?

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 7, 2024 19:01 by Zero Sum Games

I found a recipe for making fruit leather online (there's lots of them) and then just kind of adapted it to the technology level of Derkomai. Adding different spices was something I just made up, but I don't know why you couldn't. I've never actually tried making it myself, but I might try it soon. There are a couple of blueberry bushes in my garden, so I have a ton of blueberries right now. I wonder if blueberry leather would work? Anyway, thanks for reading!