Ceremony of Ascension

The Ceremony of Ascension is the ritual ceremony that Elvirim youth go through at their age of adulthood. The ceremony for each Elvirim child is held at the age at which the their tribal leaders adjudge them to be mentally and physically ready. At the end of the ceremony, the Elvirim child is considered an adult member of the tribe and is allowed to marry if they wish. The child is also given sacred jewelry, known as a Bharana as a symbol of their membership in the tribe; each piece is made by a tribal elder and is unique both to the tribe and to the individual. For Elvirim girls, the jewelry given to them is often a pair of earrings or a hairpin. For boys, it is typically a heavy bracelet. However, the jewelry varies from tribe to tribe, and even among individuals, as the Ceremony of Ascension is different for each individual.


Since there are so few Elvirim children, every Ceremony of Ascension is different, planned by the elders of the Elvirim tribe for a long time before the ceremony is held. The elders carefully observe the Elvirim child, praying to Eia’au for guidance, planning the ceremony in such a way as to emphasize that the Elvirim is now a fully adult member of the tribe, with all of the responsibilities and privileges that brings. Typically, the ceremony emphasizes the newly adult Elvirim's gifts and abilities. The young Elvirim may be called on to demonstrate prowess with a sword, bow, or other weapon, tell an original story, sing for the tribe, prepare the food for a feast, or demonstrate other skills or abilities that, in the eyes of the members of the tribe, proves that he or she is ready to be considered an adult. The young Elvirim is often also asked to recite the history of the tribe and his or her geneology for several generations.   At the end of the ceremony, the young Elvirim is given an adult name and presented with a piece of jewelry, called a Bharana, that is worn at all times. For Elvirim boys, they are often given a heavy bracelet engraved with symbols designating his tribe and his adult name. Girls are often given earrings or a hairpin with a design that designates her tribe and her adult name. The piece of jewelry is made from a type of heavy silver that never rusts or tarnishes. It is a disgrace for an Elvirim to lose his or her bharana jewelry. Stealing an Elvirim's bharana is an offense against not only the individual Elvirim, but also to the whole tribe. The entire tribe will search for and kill the thief when found.


The Ceremony of Ascension is held for most Elvirim boys and girls at the age at which the elders of their tribe adjudge them to be mature enough. There is no set, definite age for the ceremony in most tribes. All members of the tribe participate, but the tribal chief leads the ceremony and the Elvirim child's parents or guardians play a significant role.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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