Savannah Wolf Species in Derkomai | World Anvil

Savannah Wolf

The Savannah Wolf is an apex predator inhabiting the vast grasslands of The Steppe north of The Great Equatorial Desert between The Great Western Mountains and the Great Eastern Mountains. Some subspecies are found as far north as the Northern Wastelands, Manyund, and the Eastern Wastelands. Other subspecies are adapted to mountainous and forested areas. In short, Savannah Wolves and related subspecies may be found in most areas of Derkomai, other than swamps and bogs, high mountain areas, and deep deserts.   The Savannah Wolf resembles a gray or timber wolf, but it has orange and white fur with black stripes similar to that of a tiger. Savannah Wolves are large animals, up to seven feet (2.1 meters) in length (including their tail), two feet (60 cm) tall at the shoulder, and weighing up to 150 pounds (68 kg). They are swift and tireless runners, able to chase down prey (usually grazing animals) at speeds up to 40 miles per hour (65 km/hour) for an hour or more, but given their natural camouflage, few chases last that long, as they are often able to creep up on prey unseen, then quickly ambush them. They live in packs of up to 20 individuals, and being highly intelligent, the hunters of the pack work together to bring down even large and powerful prey, such as buffalo, large deer, or antelopes.   Packs of Savannah Wolves are made up of a few related family groups, with males and females usually mating for life. Some dominant males have a harem of two or three females, and some females have pups with more than one male, but most commonly, a single male and single female bond until death, and the pair will care for each other in the case of injury or illness. The death of one of the pair seems to cause the other great sorrow, with the survivor often forgoing food and water, dying soon after its partner.   Packs of Savannah Wolves defend their territories aggressively from other packs, other predators, and even humans, Orkrim, and Dwarvirim. However, they rarely, if ever, attack Elvirim. Elvirim empathy and connection to the natural world apparently protects them from the aggression that Savannah Wolves display toward others intruding on their territory, with the Savannah Wolves somehow understanding that Elvirim are not a threat to them. Also, given their intelligence, Savannah Wolves will rarely, if ever, attack large groups of armed humans, such as caravans; though, a hungry pack will attempt to panic caravan pack animals to make them scatter and run, then take them down.   Savannah Wolves vocalize in a wide variety of ways: barks, growls, howls, grunts, moans, and so on. Observers have said that they appear to have an organized proto-language, with certain vocalizations having definite meanings with which they communicate among others within the pack and to other packs nearby. The Savannah Wolves use these vocalizations as they hunt, with the leader of the hunting group directing others to certain positions and the proper time to attack. Other vocalizations appear to express emotions, such as sadness, loneliness, excitement, or aggressiveness. It is said that some Elvirim understand the Savannah Wolf language and can communicate with them to at least some extent.   All attempts at domesticating or training Savannah Wolves have failed. Pups raised away from a pack invariably become either viciously aggressive or die at a young age. Unlike domestic dogs, and even other types of wolves, Savannah Wolves appear unable to bond with individuals of any species other than their own.

Basic Information


The Savannah Wolf resembles a gray or timber wolf, but it has orange and white fur with black stripes similar to that of a tiger. Savannah Wolves are large animals, up to seven feet (2.1 meters) in length (including their tail), two feet (60 cm) tall at the shoulder, and weighing up to 150 pounds (68 kg).

Genetics and Reproduction

Female Savannah Wolves have a single litter of four to six pups each year.

Growth Rate & Stages

Savannah Wolf pups grow rapidly, reaching maturity within one year. Females typically bear their first litter by the time they are two years old. Most Savannah Wolves die before they are ten years old, though some may reach fiteen years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

Savannah Wolves primarily inhabit the vast grasslands of The Steppe north of The Great Equatorial Desert between The Great Western Mountains and the Great Eastern Mountains. Some subspecies are found as far north as the Northern Wastelands, Manyund, and the Eastern Wastelands. Other subspecies are adapted to mountainous and forested areas. In short, Savannah Wolves and related subspecies may be found in most areas of Derkomai, other than swamps and bogs, high mountain areas, and deep deserts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Savannah Wolves are primariy carnivores, feeding mostly on herbivores; though, they will scavenge for roots and berries if they need to and when their diet requires supplementary nutrition.


Savannah Wolves aggressively defend their territory against other packs, other predators, and against humans, Orkrim and Dwarvirim. They rarely, if ever, attack Elvirim, as Elvirim empathy and connection to nature seems to extend to Savannah Wolves understanding that Elvirim are not a threat to them.   Savannah Wolves typically mate for life and are extremely loyal to their partner. The death of one of a mated pair usually leads to the other dying soon after.   Savannah Wolves vocalize in a wide variety of ways: barks, growls, howls, grunts, moans, and so on. Observers have said that they appear to have an organized proto-language, with certain vocalizations having definite meanings with which they communicate among others within the pack and to other packs nearby. The Savannah Wolves use these vocalizations as they hunt, with the leader of the hunting group directing others to certain positions and the proper time to attack. Other vocalizations appear to express emotions, such as sadness, loneliness, excitement, or aggressiveness. It is said that some Elvirim understand the Savannah Wolf language and can communicate with them to at least some extent.   Savannah Wolf pups cannot be domesticated. All pups raised away from their pack either become viciously aggressive or die at a young age.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Savannah Wolf has an extremely keen sense of smell, excellent hearing, and good vision. It is very sensitive to movement and has very good night vision.
Savannah Wolf
Savannah Wolf by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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