Silvain Daladier

Silvain Daladier (a.k.a. Steven Dolius)

Silvain Daladier is an enchanter, a magus that practices enchantment as his school of magic. As such, he is quite charismatic, but his powers of enchantment are actually relatively weak. He lives in a house and tower in the Easton North district of Southport close to the Easton perimeter road, north of The Reservoir.   Daladier originially trained as a Seer in Daskar under Gasteau Thierry, but shortly after his promotion to Magus, he was forced to flee Daskar for attempting to charm Baroness Anne Tachibana Meiling. His spell failed (all members of the royal family are trained from a young age to resist magical enchantments), and he narrowly escaped Daskar with his life. After settling in Southport, he devotes much of his energy to covering up his identity and lives in fear of being discovered. He constantly searches for magical means to protect himself.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Character Portrait image: Silvain Daladier by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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