Southern Mottled Venom Toad Species in Derkomai | World Anvil

Southern Mottled Venom Toad

The Southern Mottled Venom Toad is a species of toad found only in one of the high valleys of the Southern Wilds. The Southern Mottled Venom Toad secretes an extremely toxic poison on its skin and in its saliva.

Basic Information


The Southern Mottled Venom Toad is a large, smooth-skinned toad found in pools and along the banks of a few small streams flowing through one of the high valleys of the Southern Wilds. It can weigh up to 2 lbs (1 kg) and be up to 8 inches (20 cm) in length. It has a large, round mouth, filled with a double row of sharp teeth. The skin is mottled, with spots and irregular patches of black, green, yellow, and red, with one subspecies (Royal Mottled Venom Toads) having patches of black, blue, and purple.

Genetics and Reproduction

Southern Mottled Venom Toads breed throughout the year, producing tadpoles from which the toads mature. Though the species is isolated, within its home valley it is not rare.

Growth Rate & Stages

Like other amphibian species, Southern Mottled Venom Toads lay eggs which become tadpoles. After a few weeks, the tadpoles undergo a metamorphosis and become small, but mature toads. The mature toads continue to grow to their full adult size, which occurs by the time they are two to three years of age. They can live over ten years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Southern Mottled Venom Toads are carnivorous. Unlike other species of poisonous frogs and toads in which their poison is a passive defense, Southern Mottled Venom Toads actively use their poisonous bite to hunt, allowing them to feed on creatures much larger than themselves. A bite from the Southern Mottled Venom Toad is almost invariably fatal. Southern Mottled Venom Toads will bite larger animals opportunistically. When the animal dies, the toad (and often others gather) then feeds on the dead animal over a long period, until nothing is left of the carcass. They also eat insects, birds, and most anything else they are able to kill.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The skin of Southern Mottled Venom Toads is collected by Drow Elvirim of House Alierma in Isolabirre for use in making a deadly poison.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Southern Mottled Venom Toads are found only in one high valley in the north central part of the Southern Wilds.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Southern Mottled Venom Toads have good eyesight and excellent proprioception. They can see and feel prey and enemies from a good distance away and choose to flee or attack as the situation demands.
Southern Mottled Venom Toad
Southern Mottled Venom Toad by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
A Southern Mottled Venom Toad
10 years
Average Weight
2 lbs. (1 kg)
Average Length
8 inches (20 cm)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin is mottled, with spots and irregular patches of black, green, yellow, and red, with one subspecies (Royal Mottled Venom Toads) having patches of black, blue, and purple.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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Jul 11, 2023 12:05 by Marc Zipper

This is an interesting toad I love that again tack and kill and then eat the bigger prey. Make it a lot deadlier than it seems

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Jul 11, 2023 19:21 by Zero Sum Games

Thanks for your kind words!